Articles and Interviews
An Interview with Ray Bradbury, One More For The Road, Ray Bradbury Interviews with Don Swaim, From The Dust Returned, The Stupid Fan
Allscifi Ray Bradbury Spotlight
Detailed analysis of his books, especially the Martian Chronicles. Book Summaries: Fahrenheit 451
Includes notes and plot analysis.
ClassicNotes: Fahrenheit 451
Summary and analysis; biography, message board, quiz and background information.
Greentown, IL
Movie news, short story reviews, and a visit to his hometown of Waukegan.
Internet Speculative Fiction DataBase: Ray Bradbur
Detailed bibliography summary.
It Came From Outer Space
Review of It Came From Outer Space the screenplay, by Ray Bradbury edited by Donn Albright.
Long Beach Reads One Book - Fahrenheit 451
Multimedia e-book of Ray Bradbury reading the first part of his classic Fahrenheit 451. The text display is synchronized to the audio.
Martian Chronicles Study Guide
A study guide identifying the major characters and settings in the book.
Ray Bradbury
Harper-Collins Publishers official site for author Ray Bradbury. Site includes author profile, selected bibliography, novel excerpts, video interviews, weblog, newsletter, and message board.
Ray Bradbury Media
The works of Ray Bradbury, concentrating on media adaptations of his work - film, television, radio. Also a short story bibliography.
Ray Bradbury Online
Resource for students and fans of author Ray Bradbury. Includes biography, comprehensive bibliography, and quotations.
The Bradbury Scrapbook
Term paper with biography, bibliography, articles, advice to young authors, and quotations.
The Martian Chronicles - History behind the Chroni
Comparison of Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles and real events in history.
The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury: Study reso
Resources for the study of Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles. A teacher-created site for high school English teachers and students.