Book Publisher, DaisyWorld Variants, Earth Systems Project for Global Models, EcoCybernetics, Global Model Synopsis, Investigating the Biosphere with Planetary Models, Planet Ocean-Cloud or Daisy World?
History and research of closed systems like Biosphere 2, as well as planetary studies, global ecology, and theories of space exploration.
Deep Ecology and Gaia
Activist call for 'New consciousness' by Kevin Cassell.
From Myth to 21st Century science
General information, including a short text piece by James Lovelock.
Gaia Institute
Research into ecological engineering and restoration with the integration of human communities in natural systems.
Gaia Theory
A brief guide to the science of the "Living Earth" as developed by James Lovelock et al.
GAIA-L Discussion List
Information and discussion on joining.
Geophysiology of Gaia
Introduction to the basics of geophysiologic theory.
Global Issues: Religion, Politics
Essays and links dealing with Religion - Ideology - Politics of globalization from anti-establishment (anti WTO) perspective.
Homeostasis at Planetary Level
Explanation of the major features of the Gaia Hypothesis from the Center for Global Environmental Education.
Lynn Margulis
Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts.
Philosophy and the Environment: Gaia
Gaia theory, the Daisyworld model with philosophical insights.
The Emerging Global Brain
Steps Toward a Philosophy of Internet Intelligence: article by Ben Goertzel.
The Evolving Gaia Theory
Lecture presented at the United Nations University in Tokyo by James Lovelock.
The Meaning Of Gaia
David Spangler attempts to answer the question, "Is Gaia a goddess, or just a good idea?"
Whole Earth Conference Resources
Gaia resources including "Daisyworld" modelling software.