english deutsch
Local Churches
Guernsey, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Elim Pentecostal Church, Camberwell and Branches
Regents Theological College
Elim Church of New Zealand
Location details, phone and contact names for Elim churches. Quarterly magazine Breakthrough. Camps offered at the national level.
Elim Ministries
The branch of the Elim Pentecostal Church in the Republic of Ireland. History, information on individual churches, news, and beliefs.
Elim Pentecostal Church
Official web site of the Elim Pentecostal Church movement, UK headquarters. History, news, information on international missions, statement of fundamental truths.
Elim Pentecostal Church of Zimbabwe
Independently governed denomination with churches nationwide. Also includes schools and a hospital. Brief introduction, doctrinal statement in English and Shona, diary, locations of local churches.