english deutsch
Homo erectus
Homo erectus, Homo erectus, Homo erectus in Asia, Nùrighe's Cave and the Origins of Sardinians, The Peking Man Fossils
Homo floresiensis
'Hobbit' Joins Human Family Tree, "Hobbit" Discovered: Tiny Human Ancestor, BBC: Hobbit Was 'Not a Diseased Human', Flores Man, Flores Man Special, Indonesia's Lost World: Shaking Up the Family, Island of the Lost Hominids, Our Not So Distant Relative, Wikipedia
Homo habilis
Homo habilis, Homo habilis
Homo sapiens neanderthalis
Cooking Clan of the Cave Bear Style, Images of Neandertals, In Search of Neanderthals, Neandertal DNA, Neandertals: A Cyber Perspective, Neanderthal, The Neanderthal Museum
Atapuerca, a World Heritage Site
Extensive discussion of the Spanish area's three archaeological sites, including fossils of Homo antecessor and Homo heidelbergensis. Features photo albums, discussion of stone toolmaking, VRML models of skull reconstructions, and a discussion of how H. antecessor forced a revision of the Homo family tree.
Early Hominids
Radio report about a research team's discovery, in a Pleistocene cave site in Atapuerca, Spain, of a new species of hominid (Homo antecessor) that may be the common ancestor of both modern humans and Neanderthals.
Genus Homo
Phylogeny, morphology and life history.
Peter Brown's Australian and Asian Palaeoanth
Covers the hominid fossil record from Australia, East Asia and South-East Asia, including archaic and modern Homo sapiens and Homo erectus. Also includes a PDF field guide to the human skeleton, and downloadable data files of anthropometric data on various historical and modern Asian and Australian collections.