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African Wild Dog, Coyote, Dhole, Foxes, Jackals, Wolves, Biodidac: Canid Skull, Canid Specialist Group, Canidae, Evolution of North American Canids, Family Canidae, IUCN/SSC Canid Specialist Group Publications, Wolves, Coyotes and Dogs
Acinonyx, Catopuma, Felis, Leopardus, Lynx, Panthera, Puma, Uncia, Big Cat Photo Gallery, Big Cats On-line, Big Cats Online, Cat Family (Felidae), Cat Species, Cats, Plans for Perfection, Cougar Run, Family Felidae, Great Cats of the World, International Society for Endangered Cats
All About Meerkats, eMeerkats, Meerkat - L1 Learning, Meerkat - Animal Diversity, Meerkat - Dokkyo University School of Medicine, Meerkat -theBigZoo.com, The Meerkat Mpango
Animals of Africa - Hyenas, Digimorph - Crocuta crocuta (Spotted Hyena), Female Hyenas and Male Hormones, A Strange Combina, Hyaenidae, Hyena, Hyena Pages, Hyenas, Laughing Hyena Den - The Spotted Hyena Centre, Spotted Hyaena Research in Hwange National Park, Z, Striped Hyena (Hyaena hyaena)
Discover Life - Mephitidae (Skunks), Dragoo's Skunks, Family Mephitidae, Skunk Information
Badgers, Otters, European Polecat, Mustela putorius, Fisher Links, Mustelidae, Mustelidae, Mustelids of Canada, Pine Marten, Wolverine Foundation
Gable's Raccoon World, Procyon lotor, Procyonidae, Raccoon (Procyon?lotor), Raccoon - Insights, Raccoon - theBigZoo.com, Raccoon Information Page, Raccoons - ub-zub-zone 3000, Ringtail (Bassariscus astutus), The World Wide Raccoon Web
Ailuropoda, Ailurus, Melursus, Tremarctos, Ursus, AnimalWeb, Bear Research, Education, and Conservation Program, Bear Taxon Advisory Group Educational Site, Bear Trust International, International Association for Bear Research and Ma
Binturong, Binturong, Binturong - Arctictis binturong, Binturong Information Sheet, Cryptoprocta ferox, Lioncrusher's Domain - Binturong (Arctictis b, My Binturong Friends, Viverridae
Carnivore Conservation Online
Daily news, meetings, job postings, links, recent papers, and books focusing on carnivore ecology and conservation.
Lioncrusher's Domain
Taxonomy and biology of wolves, hyenas, wild cats and dogs, and other wild carnivores.
Order Carnivora
About the mammalian order Carnivora, which is the result of a great radiation of mammals that ate meat. Not all meat eaters are in this order, however. Most members of the Order Carnivora can be recognized by their enlarged fourth upper premolar and first lower molar.
Small Carnivore Taxon Advisory Group
Basic information on 25 small Carnivora species.