english deutsch
Book and Journal Publishers
Duxbury Press, Research Signpost
ABSSP Algorithm
ABSSP is an exact algorithm for solving Subset Sum problem.
A software house and engineering company specialising in solutions and consultancy services.
AIMMS - The Modeling System of Paragon Decision Te
An advanced integrated multidimensional modeling software for building decision support and optimization applications.
Ali Emrouznejad's Data Envelopment Analysis H
The most comprehensive web site about DEA, Productivity, Efficiency of Decision Making Units. Information about Malmquist index, CRS, VRS models in Data Envelopment Analysis and DEA software.
AMO's solutions
A dutch consultancy specialising in scientific computing and general data-based modelling.
AMPL Modeling Language for Mathematical Programmin
Support for users and prospective users of AMPL, a language and computing environment for describing a broad variety of optimization problems to a range of "solvers" for such problems.
August-Gram Consulting, Inc.
Provides OR consulting services.
Axioma, Inc.
Provides modeling and optimization technology to help in decision support applications. Includes news releases and contact information.
Banxia: Software for Data Envelopment Analysis and
Developer of Frontier Analyst, and Decision Explorer software for professional decision making.
Basic Simulation Concepts
A brief description of dynamic simulation with a focus on probabilistic analysis of uncertain systems.
Casariego's Formula
Calculation of the economical magnitudes, and the optimal relationship between the magnitudes of a standard industrial series (Spanish/English).
COmputational INfrastructure for Operations Resear
Open-source software for the OR community.
A platform-independent software component for solving optimization problems.
Cpatte, Senior Software/Solution Architect
Supply Chain Management, OR, Modeling and ILOG technology.
CQM - Specialists in Quantitative Modelling
Consulting service and software design.
Critical Path Analysis and PERT charts
A short overview of project analysis/management networks describing Critical Paths and PERTs
Dash Optimization
Modelling and optimisation software, Xpress-MP solves large optimization problems in areas such as supply chain & logistics.
Dash Optimization (UK)
Xpress-MP solves large optimization problems in areas such as supply chain & logistics.
Data Envelopment Analysis Software.
Decision Analysis Training & Consulting
Training and assistance in Decision Analysis and Project Risk Management; software; consulting.
Decision Context - Prudent decision making
Operations Research Enthusiasts - Practising Optimization, Simulation, Statistics and building models in Excel and Access
Decision Science Center
Decision Science Center partners with companies to consult in the areas of optimal business decisions across industries.
Decisioneering, Inc.
Producer of Excel-based risk and decision analysis tools (Crystal Ball, CB Predictor) for business forecasting
DecisionTek, LLC
Designs and implements custom studies and technology solutions.
Two new software products solving optimal inventory control problems for trade and tech service enterprises.
Drayton Analytics
Provider of software and economic consulting services to the Operations Research community and utility industries
EMANS is a software to solve various OR problems.
Expert Choice Inc.
AHP and other decision support software.
GAMS Development Corporation
The General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) is a high-level modeling system for mathematical programming problems.
HIRON: Global Optimization Algorithm
Web-based tool for solving practical optimization problems.
ILOG - Optimization Software Vendor
Information about the ILOG Optimization Suite, ILOG CPLEX, ILOG Solver, and ILOG OPL Studio
Delivers optimization software for solving linear, MIP and MIQP problems.
INFORM supplies IT systems for intelligent decision support based on advanced optimization technologies including fuzzy logic.
Intelligent Decision System
Specialised in multi-criteria decision analysis under uncertainties.
Johnothan Rears
Operations Research Analyst and Management Scientist Consultant using methods of operations research and applied mathematics.
The Legion simulation system predicts, measures and displays actual human movement within existing and unbuilt venues, to improve design and operational effectiveness and safety.
LINDO Systems
Optimization modelling software.
Lumina Decision Systems, Inc.
Business modelling consulting, software, and seminars.
Mathcom Solutions, Inc.
Software solutions for finance, engineering, and operations.
MathPro Inc.
Specializes in the practical application of mathematical programming to economic analysis, planning, public policy, and decision support.
Maximum Entropy Data Consultants Ltd (MEDC)
MEDC specializes in custom and semi-custom software for Bayesian Data Analysis to estimate the parameters of a physical distribution given some data.
Monte Carlo Simulation, Forecasting, and Optimizat
Analycorp presents INSIGHT.xla, software for Monte Carlo simulation, forecasting, and optimization, as well as seminars in their application.
NexSim Consulting, Llc
Provides discrete event simulation, robotics, emulation and virtual factory applications.
Nonlinear optimization algorithms and software
Pinter Consulting Services specializes in algorithm and software development, consulting and workshops.
Novel technology for numerical optimization
New technology for large-dimensional non-linear optimization is presented. Free version of software for optimization is available.
OPCOM Pty Limited
Scheduling and rostering, network optimisation and journey planning. Software and consultancy services.
Offers services for solving of real life Optimization problems, consulting services, modeling and simulation. Also carries out R&D projects.
OptiRisk Systems
Creator of fortmp, fortsp, fortQP, and ampl software.
OPTLINE - Integer and Combinatorial Optimization
OptLine is a combinatorial optimization problems solver.
Optomatica consulting
A consultancy with expertise in optimization, machine learning, neural networks, natural computation approaches, and advanced modeling techniques.
ORTEC - Planning, Optimization and Decision Suppor
ORTEC is a major player in the advanced planning software and operations research field.
Palisade Corporation
Risk and decision analysis software, including @RISK.
Park Place Deicision Sciences
Offers a full range of evaluation, analysis, modeling and implementation services to business and public agencies.
Point Wizard
A web based system for decision analysis and for calibrating additive points systems. It is based on the PRO-AM method to help decision makers prioritise and choose among alternatives.
Polaris Consulting
Provides professional consultancy services in Operational Research (OR).
PSL Optimisation Software
Provides optimisation software development.
Mixed integer/linear programming modules.
QUADRANT: Risk Analysis Tool for Excel
Monte-Carlo Risk Analysis add-in for Excel. Free trial download.
Specialist Software Engineering Consultancy
Tynemarch Systems Engineering Ltd. specialises in the field of applied systems analysis and optimisation.
Strategic Decisions Group
An international management consulting firm specializing in strategy, strategic change, and growing shareholder value.
Strategic Management Science Inc.
Helping management use MS/OR to create a sustainable competitive advantage. They also publish a monthly e-newsletter.
Supply chain optimization
Manufacturing training, and implementation of chemical process optimization.
The KNITRO solver
KNITRO solves continuous nonlinear optimization problems by implementing an interior (barrier) type method with trust regions.
TOMLAB - MATLAB Optimization
For fast and robust large-scale optimization in MATLAB. TOMLAB provides interfaces to CPLEX, Xpress, SNOPT, MINOS, and MINLP.
TreeAge Software, Inc.
Decision tree analysis software.
Veros Software
Veros Software is a predictive technology software company.
Visual Thinking International
Developers of VISA, a sensitivity analysis tool and SIMUL8, which is used for discrete event simulation.