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A Historic Cemetery Wins New Friends, Cedar Hill Cemetery, Center Church Burying Ground, Hartford's Burying Grounds, Headstones of Hartford, Old South Burying Ground, Old South Cemetery, Zion Hill Cemetery
Children and Families
Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford, Children's Law Center of Connecticut, The Village, Trinity College Community Child Care
Disability Resources
The Connecticut Institute for the Blind/Oak Hill
Hispanic American, Alliance Francaise de Hartford, American Hellenic Educational Progressive Associat, Hartford Black History Project, Inc., Hartford's Chinese Community, Irie Jam
Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual
Dignity Hartford, Gay/Lesbian and Supporters Network at Travelers, Out In Hartford, The Imperial Sovereign Court of All Connecticut, I, The Twenty Club
USGenWeb: Hartford
Circus Fire 1944, Maps and Views, Monuments and Plaques, A River Runs Under It: A Hog River History, A Shoeleather History of Hartford, Connecticut, Aetna History, Bushnell Park History, Domesticating the Street: The Reform of Public Spa, Hartford History, History of the Hartford Police Department, Original Proprietors of Hartford, 3d Ed., The Hartford Convention, The History of Elizabeth Park
Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks Lodge No, Center City Churches, Chariots of Hope, Collaborative Center for Justice, Hartford Food System, Hartford Preservation Alliance, Loaves of Fish Ministries, Inc., Mercy Housing and Shelter, Riverfront Recapture, State of Israel Bonds
Asylum Hill Congregational Church, Broadview Community Church, Capital Region Conference of Churches, Catholic Engaged Encounter of Hartford, CT, Central Baptist Church, Christ Church Cathedral, First Church of Christ, Scientist, First Presbyterian Church, LatinMass.org, Memorial Baptist Church
Breaking the Cycle
Citywide campaign to reduce teen pregnancy. Sponsored by the City of Hartford, the Hartford Action Plan on Infant Health and Hartford Public Schools.
Catholic Engaged Encounter
Weekend sessions that provide marriage preparation, primarily for couples who are planning to marry in the Catholic Church.
Center City Churches
Provides a soup kitchen, food pantry, fuel bank, emergency assistance, weekend meals for seniors, after-school tutoring program, family resource centers and supportive AIDS housing.
City-wide Stats
Table and charts of crime statistics for Hartford.
Connecticut SaveaPup
Nonprofit organization that adopts street strays from the Hartford dog pound. Profiles and pictures of dogs available for adoption and contact information.
Hartford Correctional Center
Photograph and information on the Level 4 security facility.
Hartford Heights Tall Club
Social club "for the vertically gifted" provides information on events and related links.
Hartford Public High School Class of 1959
Reunion news and class directory with contact information.
Hartford Studies Project
Collection and research resources on the city's history and present experience of issues such as race, immigration, culture, labor and local politics. Based at Trinity College.
Lazicki's Bird House and Rescue
Providing avian rescue services, education and adoption.
The Open Hearth Association
Mens Shelter serves the homeless and troubled people of Hartford.
Weaver High Class of 1967
Resource site for former classmates to keep in touch.