Business and Economy
A Family Sewing Center, Delago & Associates Insurance, Groeneweg Builders, Inc., Micro Unlimited, The Auto Barn
Albert Abbasse for State Representative
Information about Albert Abbasse, running for State Representative of the 77th District of Wyoming, Michigan.
City of Wyoming Michigan
Information on local government, events, courts, fire, police, employment, permits.
Pennellwood Church
Mission, statement of faith, location.
Tactical Arrest Confrontation Team
Committed to the protection of life and property, the maintenance of law and order, and the enforcement of laws and ordinances.
Tri-Unity Christian Schools
Partners with the Church and home to graduate academically excellent disciples of Jesus Christ.
Wyoming Area Chamber of Commerce
Community, chamber, and business information.
Wyoming Local News:
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
Wyoming Park H.S. Marching Band
Information on the band including schedules, scores, and pictures.
Wyoming Public Schools
Annual report, school calendar, library links, and administrative contacts.