english deutsch
California Culinary Academy, Tante Marie's Cooking School
Driving Schools
America Driving School, Ann's Driving School, Guerrero Driving School
Academy of Web Design
Offers a video based web design training course, covering design, web site development and employment issues.
On-site training school offers small classes in html, Perl, Java, and ASP.
American College of Early Childhood Education
Offers certification programs for ECE approved by BPPVE. Located in downtown San Francisco. Job Placement is included with the programs.
Audio Institute of America
Courses in sound engineering and music production for careers in recording studios.
California Culinary Academy
Offers degrees in hotel management, restaurant management, including Le Cordon Bleu French cooking training and other culinary arts skills.
Graphic Arts Institute
Provides training in the and training in the graphic communications industry. Workshops in prepress, press and multimedia.
Heald College San Francisco
Offers programs in software applications, business administration, computer technology, electronics technology, Cisco Systems and Microsoft Windows certification. Details about school and programs.
Hospitality Management Training Institute
Offers management certificates and diplomas in hotel, restaurants, cruise ships, catering, bars, resorts, motels, casinos, lodging and food service industry.
L.E.N. Business and Language Institute
Vocational rehabilitation for adults. The curriculum includes general office with microcomputer applications. Students for whom English is a second language are welcome.
Landmark Education
Corporate headquarters are in San Francisco. A commercial enterprise committed to the principle that people have the possibility of success, fulfillment, and greatness.
National Bartenders School of San Francisco
Sessions last two weeks. Instruction in recipes and mixed drinks, recipe, glassware, bar equipment, regulations, problem identification in the workplace.
Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts
A professional jewelry school for students of all levels.
San Francisco Center for Applied Competitive Techn
Program at City College of San Francisco aimed at strengthening the Bay Area apparel sector through workforce training and business assistance.
San Francisco School of Bartending
Bartending school with programs and training leading to licenses and bartender job placement.