Alpine Adventures Snowmobiling
Snowmobile rentals and guided tours. Rates, equipment, lodging packages, local links, travel directions, and contacts. Locations in Bartlett and Lincoln.
Appalachian Mountain Club
America's oldest conservation and recreation organization. Lists club activities, bulletin boards, chapter news, lodging options, membership information, publications, trading post, employment openings, and volunteer requests.
Eastern Inter-Club Ski League - EICSL
Promotes recreational skiing and ski racing at the amateur and club level in the Mount Washington Valley and Franconia Notch areas. Membership information, race schedules and results, newsletter, club directory, and lift ticket order form.
GORP - White Mountain National Forest
Provides information on a wide variety of outdoor pursuits. Offers advice on hiking, camping, and scenic travel routes; lists of ranger stations and state parks, maps, and links to other resources.
Suite 101: White Mountain Backpacking
Articles by hikers and mountaineers on their experiences while climbing in the Whites. Also has discussion rooms and links to related information.
White Mountain Trail Club
Maintains over 45 miles of multi-use trails in Albany, Bartlett, Hart's Location, and Livermore. Trail map and descriptions, event schedule, newsletter, and membership information.
White Mountains Info Server
Comprehensive source of information provided by Dartmouth College volunteers. Descriptions of hike routes, AMC hut system, shelters, backcountry skiing, trip reports, and the Appalachian Trail; current weather conditions, maps, photos, Quicktime movies, and an extensive list of links for further research.
White Mountains NEMBA
Local chapter of the New England Mountain Bike Association. Event listings, photo gallery, and contact information.