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Bagley, Pat
Bull! Archive, Pat Bagley Official Site, Rick Walton Riddles
Kimball, J. Golden
J. Golden Kimball Stories, J. Golden Kimball, General Authority, Utah History Encyclopedia J. Golden Kimball Entry, What is a "Good Man"?
Bishop Humor
A joke about a Mormon Bishop.
Call for Mormon Humor
Submit true stories, one-liners, and jokes. Sound loop and brief opening animation.
Facecious Questions From Nonmembers
From Jeff Lindsay's Cracked Planet. Quick index.
LDS Humor
Short columns for single members.
LDS Newsgroup Archives
Collection of humorous posts from alt/soc.religion.mormon, archived by David Bowie. Links to messages.
Microsoft to Acquire LDS Church
Lampoon article by Chuck Huber.
Missionary Cartoons
A lighter look at life as a missionary.
List of puns derived from the word "Mormon". Contributions welcome.
Of Worth
LDS-themed and other gentle humor pieces from Debra Coe. Links.
Robert Kirby Official Archive
Courtesy of Utah OnLine at the Salt Lake Tribune. Free and E-mailable copies of columns since August 1999. Searchable index prior to that date.
The Outhouse
Genealogy and family humor. Features cheeky epitaphs and other links. Audio loop of Patsy Cline's "Walking After Midnight" at load.
The Sugar Beet
The Mormon answer to The Onion.
The Utah Baby Namer
A collection and analysis of idiosyncratic Utah Mormon cultural given names such as LaPrell, Taudene, and LaNondus. More LDS humor links.