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Environmental Protection Agency: Region 1
Programs, projects, grants, events, regional library, watershed information, and New England tribal information.
Green For New England
Large-scale coalition of environmental non-profits based in New England, addressing air, water and natural resource issues.
New England Light Pollution Advisory Group
Volunteer organization whose purpose is to educate the public on the hazards of outdoor night lighting, through meetings across the region, information at the website and online publications.
New England Wild Flower Society
Plant conservation organization with chapters throughout New England.
Southern New England Chapter of American Fisheries
Provides support for the American Fisheries Society by improving the conservation and sustainability of fishery resources and aquatic ecosystems, advancing fisheries and aquatic science and promoting the development of fisheries professionals.
Southern New England Forest Consortium, Inc.
Nonprofit group of natural resource professionals, private enterprise and citizens from Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island which works to conserve and promote the productive use of the region's forests and natural resources.
The New England Botanical Club
Nonprofit organization founded in 1895 that promotes the study of plants of North America, especially the flora of New England and adjacent areas.
The New England Federal Partners for Natural Resou
Organization which establishes a framework for cooperation among the federal agencies in New England to work with one another, state and local governments, tribes and other parties towards an integrated plan for the management, conservation and protection of the region's natural resources.
Toxics Action Center
Organization which assists neighborhood groups fight pollution in their communities. Information on conferences, pollution prevention, dangerous facilities and publications. Also provides contact information for offices in Maine, Massachusetts and Connecticut.