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Chats and Forums
Linux (server) forum at Tek-Tips, Linux Forums.org, Linux Questions, Linux-User.com, The #LinuxOS Webpage, The Linux Area
Erik's Linux Page, FreeTechBooks: GNU/Linux, Gutza, HOWTO Index, IBM Linux Technology Center : Publications, Jiun Shin, Linux Documentation Project, Linux Info, Linux Installation and Getting Started, Linux on Laptops
FAQs, Help, and Tutorials
Adventures in Linux Programming, Alpha Centauri Linux, Archiving Floppy Disks Using Images, Beginner guide to linux, Beginner's Guide to Linux, Beginner's Linux Guide, Blue G3 LinuxPPC, Building the Lo-Fat Linux Desktop, CD-ROM Burning, Common Netscape Profile for Linux and Windows
Bromley College Linux Training, Dash Courses, Fortuitous Technologies, GBdirect Linux Training, Lintraining.com, Linux in a Teaspoon, Malicom Systems, Puget Sound Technology, SAIR Linux and GNU, Tux Technologies
Help for Linux newbies: downloads, news, forums, web games, submit reader news and articles, distribution specific topics include Caldera, Debian, Mandrake, Red Hat, SuSE, others.
Linux Post-Installation Procedure
A checklist of precautionary steps to take right after installation, so that a systems setup can be recovered if something goes wrong later. Also, a shell script to automate a major part of this procedure.
Linux Support Services
Free technical support network for all distributions, platforms, applications.
Linux Voodoo
Provides technical support on installation, configuration, security, hardware/software drivers.
Place for Newbies to come and learn and experts come to share. Anyone can submit tips.
Paid technical support for Linux, plus free searchable knowledgebase and other resources.
Searchable manuals, HOWTOs, FAQs, and man pages. Also, free e-mail hosting, forum, and links.
News, discussions, guides, and product reviews.
Devoted to helping Linux users help themselves. Provides categorized, indexed and searchable help files on a myriad of Linux topics.
O'Reilly Linux Center
O'Reilly resource center for Linux. O'Reilly is a leader in technical and computer book documentation for Linux.
Start Linux
Start Linux answers common questions such as "What can I do with Linux?" or "How do I...in Linux". Start Linux contains Getting started, business, how-to and downloads section.
The support section of Red Hat
The support and documentation section of Red Hat Linux.
Warped Systems Support Site
Support site for Warped Systems clients. Also provides Linux distribution, game and security updates.
Winfield's Linux Newbie Site
Small resource for new users with answers to several questions. For newbies, written by a newbie, in newbie language that newbies can understand. Q&A FAQ, setting up cable/DSL connections, cute Tux wallpaper.