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Call of the Wild, Short Stories, White Fang, A Collection of Stories, Adventure, Before Adam, Burning Daylight, Encyclopedia of the Self - Jack London, Jack London's Writings, Jerry of the Islands, John Barleycorn, Literature Network: Adventure, Literature Network: Martin Eden
Jack London
A short biography, list of the author's works with links to online texts, and links to other Jack London sites.
Jack London at Centenary College of Louisiana
Secondary resources archive containing a bibliography of literary scholarship on Jack London.
Jack London Forum Frigate
Discussion forum and live chat devoted to Jack London.
Jack London Germany
Biographical information, essays, pictures, and links.
Jack London International
Includes a biography, information on his works, and a forum.
Jack London Ranch Album
Biography, photos and etexts.
Jack London State Historic Park
(Sonoma County, California) Describes its educational, recreational, and shopping opportunities; biography.
Literature Network: Jack London
Biography and searchable collection of works.
The Jack London Collection
Collection of on-line texts of Jack London's books and short stories, photos, biographical information, and documents and papers relating to his work.
The Jack London Society
An international non-profit organization that promotes study of the life and work of Jack London.
Utne Reader Online - The Call of Jack London
Article on Jack London's literary career, his popularity through the past century, and the political and scientific themes within his works.
Who was Jack London?
An overview of Jack London's life. Emphasizes major phases: ranching, sailing, gold prospecting and writing. Complete with photos.