english deutsch
Christian Singers of Germany: Martin Luther, Deutsche Geistliche Lieder, Did Luther use a drinking song as the basis for (A, Luther, Walther, and the Wittembergisch Geistlich , Martin Luther, Martin Luther Collection: Sammlung, Martin Luther's Music, Selected Hymns of Martin Luther, The German Mass and Order of Divine Service, The Musical Reforms of Martin Luther
Commentary on Galatians, Ninety-Five Theses, A Treatise on Good Works, Address to the Christian Nobility, An Open Letter on Translating, Concerning Christian Liberty, Concerning Christian Liberty, Disputation of Doctor Martin Luther on the Power a, Index Verborum, Large Catechism, Letter to John Staupitz, Letter to the Archbishop of Mainz, 1517
95 Theses
An English translation of the theses of Martin Luther.
Carthage College Reformation Study in Wittenberg
Information about a college study class abroad, now past, but also provides information about Carthage College, Wittenberg and other sites relating to Martin Luther.
Change in Luther's Doctrine of the Ministry
Studies the reformer's theological development and understanding of the pastoral office, including its purpose, ecclesiastical oversight, and relationship with the lay priesthood of believers.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Martin Luther
Article on his relation to philosophy, by David M. Whitford.
Life and Times of Martin Luther
Illustrated chronological biography of the reformer, including places where he lived or visited.
Luther Funeral Sermon Project
Facsimile and text of the Bugenhagen homily preached at the death of the reformer.
Luther on the Eve of His Revolt
A Catholic criticism of Luther's Lectures on the Epistle to the Romans given at Wittenberg in 1515-1516.
Luther, Martin
Biography, pictures and articles on people and places in his life, articles on related subjects, and links. Hosted by the city of Wittenberg.
Luther, Martin
Article from the Catholic Encyclopedia.
Luther, Martin
Brief biography emphasizing his musical abilities and his contributions to church music as champion, composer, and arranger. From the Grove Concise Dictionary of Music entry at WQXR radio.
Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
Hypertext history and biography with information on the people and places in the reformer's life and work.
Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
Brief biography with links to information about him and his career and to his writings.
Martin Luther
Bartleby.com listing with pronunciation, extended biography, related links, and bibliography.
Martin Luther
Biographical information, portrait, and links to related sites, lists of works, and other theologians. From Island of Freedom.
Martin Luther
Europe, early life, education, monastery, Rome, professor, indulgence controversy, the 95 theses, debates, literary activity, 3 reformation treatises, condemnation, banished by the state, labors at the Wartburg, against revolt, convents, Lord's table, Zwingli's beliefs, conference at Marburg, and the state church. From a Local Church perspective.
Martin Luther
An article on from a Catholic perspective contending that Luther was much more conservative than either his Catholic critics or current Protestants admit.
Martin Luther
Wikipedia article with comprehensive biography, summaries of noting writings, illustrations, quotes, internal references to related people and topics, and links.
Martin Luther and the Lutheran Reformation
Biographical and historical writings by Pastor Richard Bucher and links to other information, including primary sources, plus six annotated picture galleries
Martin Luther Discussion
Forum and live chat devoted to the life and works of the reformer. New thoughts or opinions of his person, actions, and writings and links to other works are solicited and posted.
Martin Luther: the Just Shall Live by Faith, not b
A unique vessel, a strong stand, a reformer and shepherd, references, and links. From a Local Church perspective.
Opening the Door to Luther
Includes an illustrated list of important people, places, and dates; sells a video documentary.
The Life and Acts of Martin Luther: Part 1
ASCII e-text of an extended biography and eulogy of the reformer by his associate and friend Philipp Melanchthon. Translated by T. Frazel and prepared by Steve Sohmer.
The Life and Acts of Martin Luther: Part 2
Continuation of Melanchthon eulogy, beginning at the Diet of Worms in 1521. Translated by T. Frazel and prepared by Steve Sohmer in 1996.
The Life of Martin Luther
Detailed chronology, with illustrations, of the events, people, places and texts in Luther's life. Integrated links throughout the four-part time line.
The Life of Martin Luther: A Chronology
A simple listing of major events, places, and writings in the life of the Wittenberg reformer.
The Musical Reforms of Martin Luther
This article traces the musical reforms of Dr. Martin Luther during the Protestant Reformation and gives insights into the nature of his role as a compiler and composer of music, including his musical reforms of the Mass and his composition of chorales or hymn tunes.
What Started The Protestant Reformation?
Devotional and historical summary of the time from Tetzel's selling of indulgences to Luther's excommunication.