english deutsch
Lutheran Teens Encounter Christ
Minnesota Metro Lutheran Teens Encounter Christ
Apostolic Lutheran Church Youth of New Hampshire
Includes activities, schedule, events and contacts.
Youth Ministry site for youth and leaders in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC)includes letters, devotions, event calendar, resources, and contacts.
Faith Lutheran Church Youth Ministries, Anaheim, C
Junior High and High School youth ministry program information for families, leaders, and students to grow in faith and understanding.
Fellowship of Lutheran Young People
Highlights FLYP events occurring throughout Maryland and Delaware, and national youth events, Christian web site links and information about the Delaware-Maryland Synod of the ELCA.
Hmong Youth Group (LCMS)
National site for Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, contains chat, links, and contacts.
Holy Cross Youth
Young people's group of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Ashland, Virginia. Includes group information and contacts.
Hot Lutherans
Contains information, ministries, organization, and contacts of the Lutheran Student Movement of the United States of America (LSM-USA).
Journey for Youth
Describes programs for summer opportunities for, Servant Events, Hunger and Justice Programs, Volunteer service opportunities, and high adventure camps Sponsored by the ELCA youth and outdoor ministry.
Lutheran Boy Scout Groups
Article discusses Lutheran church involvement in scouting and host 4,355 Boy Scout units in the United States.
Lutheran Girl Pioneers
Youth organization for girls. Affiliated with WELS.
Lutheran Pioneers
Youth organization dedicated to development of spiritual and personal leadership for youth. Affiliated with WELS.
Lutheran Pioneers, Alchesay District
Includes information on program and events Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas.
Lutheran Youth Fellowship
The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod youth site including national youth gatherings information, program description, and contacts.
Lutheran Youth of New South Wales
Calendar of events, index and contacts.
Lutheran Youth of Queensland
LYQ, Australia official site with information on youth activities, parish support, camps, and youth gatherings.
Lutheran Youth of Victoria
Includes program information, camps, events calendar, zone information, and contacts.
Lutheran Youth Organization
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America youth site including national youth gatherings information, program description, and contacts.
Mt. Olive LYF
Youth organization in Des Moines, Iowa.
National Lutheran Association of Scouters
Official site. A resource for youth and adults that wish to know more about the religious emblems program, endorsed by the Lutheran Churches and are members of Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Camp Fire, or 4H.
Concordia University sponsored youth ministry team. Includes information on biannual ToolTime events and hosts lock-ins for Jr. and Sr. high students.
Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ
National site for the youth witnessing training ministry of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.
Oshkosh Lutheran Hmong Youth
Contains news, photos, events and contacts.
Pilgrim Lutheran Hmong Youth
Green Bay area LCMS youth, contains photos, events, and contacts.
Scouting for Lutheran Youth
Fact sheet about scouting in Lutheran churches and denominations.
Teenz in the name of Christ
Teenz,InC., Spring, Texas, LC-MS youth ministry of Resurrection Lutheran Church's High School.
The God Squad
The youth at Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Macon, GA.
The Light
The Evangelical Lutheran Synod site for youth activities, programs and adult leadership support.
Upstate New York Synod Lutheran Youth Organization
Contains newsletter, meeting and conference information, events calendar, resources, and contacts.
WIYLDE - Wholly Iowa Youth Leadership Discipling E
Information about leadership workshop for high school youth in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America who live in Iowa.
YARPs: Young Adult Resource Persons
A ministry of the ELCA and the SWT Synod. Specializes in youth ministry and programming for it.
Youth Ministries of the Evangelical Lutheran Churc
Includes online resources, weekly bible study, event calendar, discussion boards.