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Algoma District, Brant District, Bruce District, Chatham District, Erie District, Frontenac District, Georgian North District, Georgian South District, Hamilton District A, Hamilton District B
Acacia Masonic Lodge No. 561 - Ottawa
Meets on the 3rd Tuesday. (Dark: June, July and August.) Officers, committees, events, photos and links.
Arkona Masonic Lodge No. 307 -- Arkona
Ontario, Canada. Calendar, officers, photos, and information about the Sarnia Masonic District.
Ashlar Masonic Lodge No. 564 - Ottawa
Meets on the 1st Friday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: June, July and August.) Masonic information, lodge news, location and contacts.
Atomic Daylight Masonic Lodge No. 686 - Pembroke
Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of April, May, June, August, September, October & November and the 3rd. Tuesday of July. All meetings commence at 10:30 AM.
Ayr Lodge No. 172 -- Ayr
Ontario, Canada. 2nd Monday (except June, July and August)
Brant Lodge No.45 - Ontario
Meets on the 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Events, officers, history, FAQ and links.
Caledonia Masonic Lodge No. 637 - Toronto
Meets on the 3rd Monday, 7:30 PM. Lodge has a Scottish history which goes back to 1926. Calendar, officers, photos and links.
Cedar Masonic Lodge No. 270 -- Oshawa
Meeting are held the 4th Tuesday of every month, excluding June, July and August. Official visits are in November, elections in December and the installation of officers occurs in January. General Masonic information. Lodge activities and history.
Chaudiere Masonic Lodge No. 264 - Ottawa
Meets at 7:30 PM on the 4th Tuesday of each month from January through May and September through November. December's meeting is on the second Tuesday.
Civil Service Lodge No.148
Masonic lodge meeting on St. John the Evangelists Day and the Second Tuesday in each month except June, July and August at the Ottawa Masonic Centre.
Composite Masonic Lodge No. 667 - Hamilton
Meets on the 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 PM. History, officers, calendar and links.
Corinthian Masonic Lodge No. 96 - Barrie
Meets on the 1st Thursday. Officers, events, history, links and more.
Coronation Masonic Lodge No. 466 - Elmvale
Meets on the 4th Wednesday. (Dark: January and February.) Events, location, officers and links.
Coronation Masonic Lodge No. 677 - Toronto
History, officers, events, FAQ and links.
Doric Masonic Lodge No. 58 - Ottawa
Meets on the 3rd Thursday. (Dark: June, July and August.) Location, officers, history, schedule, events and more.
Electric Masonic Lodge No. 495 -- Hamilton
Ontario, Canada. 3rd Wednesday (except June, July and August)
Eureka Masonic Lodge No 283 - Belleville
Meets on the 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 PM. Officers, history, news, events and links.
Frontenac Masonic District G.R.C.
District website for the freemasons from 18 craft lodges in and around Kingston, Ontario, Canada under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario.
Georgina Masonic Lodge No. 343 - North York
Meets on the 4th Friday. Events, photos, newsletter, history and links.
Grand Masonic Lodge of Canada in the Province of O
Canada. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons.
Grand River Masonic Lodge No. 151 - Waterloo
Meets on the 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 PM. Schedule, officers, members and links.
Harmony Masonic Lodge No. 57 - Binbrook
Meets on the 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: July and August.) History, photo, officers and links.
Hastings Masonic Lodge No. 633 - Hastings
Meets on the 4th Thursday. Officers, committees and calendar.
Havelock Masonic Lodge No. 435 -- Havelock
Ontario, Canada. Meets fourth Mondays, 7:30 pm. Calendar, history, directions, officers, contact form.
Ionic Masonic Lodge No. 229 - Brampton
Meets on the 2nd Tuesday. (Dark: July and August.) Officers, events, history, photos and links.
Ionic Masonic Lodge No. 25 - Toronto
Meets on the 1st Wednesday, 8:00 PM; supper at 6:00 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Welcome, about, calendar, links and contact information.
J.B.Hall Masonic Lodge No. 145 - Millbrook
Events, history, officers, directions and contact form.
Joseph A Hearn Masonic Lodge No 685 - - Mississaug
The friendly masonic lodge in Ontario, welcoming Free Masons visiting the Toronto area. Information on how to become a mason and news and reviews on masonic events
Kerr Lodge No.230
Masonic lodge meeting 3rd Thursday (Except July & August). Lists the officers, location and schedule of meetings.
Kilwinning Masonic Lodge No. 565 - Toronto
Meets on the 3rd Friday. (Dark: June, July and August.) Officers, committees, lodge photos and links.
Liberty Masonic Lodge No. 419 - Sarnia
History, newsletter, officers and email contact.
Lodge of Fidelity No. 231 - Ottawa
Meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. (Dark: June, July and August.) History, officers, calendar, events and links.
London Area Freemasonry
Consolidated site presenting information on all Masonic-related groups in the London, Ontario, area.
Luxor Daylight Masonic Lodge No. 741 - Ottawa
Meets on the 3rd Wednesday, April through October; except 4th Wednesday in July.
Masonic Foundation of Ontario
Charitable programs support the relief of poverty and the advancement of education and other purposes beneficial to the community.
Millennium Lodge No. 743
Masonic lodge meeting once every 1000 years.
Mississauga Masonic Lodge No. 524 - Port Credit
Meets on the 2nd Thursday, 7:30 PM. Officers, history, photos, calendar and links.
New Light Masonic Lodge No. 744 - Waterloo and Cam
Meets on the 4th Tuesday, 10:00 AM in March, April, May and June at the Waterloo Masonic Temple; and in August, September, October and November at the Cambridge Masonic Temple.
Oxford Masonic Lodge No. 76 - Woodstock
Meets on the 2nd Monday September to June; 1st in October. Officers and committee members, location, photos and links.
Reba Masonic Lodge No. 515 - Brantford
Meets on the 2nd Friday. (Dark: July and August.) General information, photo, maps and contacts.
River Park Masonic Lodge No. 356 -- Streetsville
Ontario, Canada. 1st Tuesday (except July and August)
Saint Andrew's Masonic Lodge No. 560 - Ottawa
Meets on the 1st Thursday. Activities, calendar, officers, history and contact information.
Saint George Lodge No. 367 - Toronto
Masonic lodge meeting every third Friday. Lodge information, history, photos, calendar and events.
Saint George Masonic Lodge No. 243 - St. George
Meets on the 1st Tuesday, 7:30 PM. Officers, history, photos and links.
Saint Johns Masonic Lodge No. 75 - Toronto
Meets on the 3rd Thursday. (Dark: July and August.) Lodge information, general Masonic information and links.
Seven Star Masonic Lodge No. 285 - Alliston
Meets on the 2nd Monday, 7:30 PM. Calendar, history, education, photos and links.
Temple Lodge No. 690 - Waterloo
Meets on the 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 PM. Emergent meetings on the 1st Monday. Pictures, History, Officers, Events, About Freemasonry, General Information.
The Anthony Sayer Masonic Lodge No. 640 - Toronto
Meets on the 3rd Friday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: June, July and August.) Location (Map), Officers, Committees, Past Masters, Special Events, Links.
The Beaches Masonic Lodge No. 473 - Toronto
Meets on the 1st Thursday. Location, general Masonic information and links.
The Builders Lodge No. 177 - - Ottawa
Website for The Builder's Lodge No. 177 A.F. & A.M.
The Rising Sun Masonic Lodge No. 129 - Aurora
Meets on the 1st Thursday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Calendar, map and contacts.
Unity Lodge No. 710 - Brampton
History, officers, calendar and links.
Universe Masonic Lodge No. 705 -- Toronto
Ontario, Canada.
Wellington Masonic Lodge No. 271 - Erin
Meets on the 1st Thursday, 8:00 PM. News, Meetings, Officers, History, Auction Items, Events.
Wingham Masonic Lodge No. 286 - Wingham
Meets on the 1st Tuesday. Officers, history, FAQ, news, photos and links.