Index of Gregorian Chants (at the University of Western Ontario)
Catholic Encyclopedia: Gregorian Chant
An excellent short description and history of Gregorian chant with links to more info.
Catholic Encyclopedia: PLAIN CHANT
An excellent description and history of Western plainchant, the precursor to Gregorian chant.
Chant Links
[links] to introductions; midi files; organizations; publishers;
Chorus Breviarii
Gregorian Chant Study and Liturgical Prayer Group. Based in San Diego, the group sings in concerts and liturgical functions in the surrounding area.
Church Music Association of America
Website of the Church Music Association of America. Lists officers, publications,educational events including Gregorian chant instruction classes.
Classical Net - Basic Repertoire List - Gregorian
Dan's Gregorian Chant Tutorial
Includes the history of Gregorian Chant, how to read chant, and how to understand chant modes.
Dovesong International -- Plainsong
(recommended introductory recordings for sale; links)
Georgian Church Music
[hymnology; 1 midi] (hosted by Besiki Sisauri) [the Caucasus republic, not the North American state.]
Georgian Folk and Sacred Music
History and tradition of Georgian Sacred Music
Gregorian Association
[history; notation; fonts; links; calendar of events] (London, England)
Gregorian Chant Bibliography and Links
(from Saint John's Abbey, (Order of St. Benedict) Collegeville, MN USA.)
Gregorian Chant Notation (Neumes)
A basic introduction and explanation of how to read Gregorian chant notation.
Gregorian Chant Resources (Princeton University)
[links; history] "Useful for advanced study of early church music."
Gregorian Chant Web Guide
Extensive, annotated link collection by Scott Robert Knitter.
Gregorian Plainchant
[recordings; history; bibliography; links] (Dutch/English) with a good introductory discussion
Gregorian Schola: Chant Resources
[links; studies; history; recordings; organizations] This group is dedicated to the study and performance of Gregorian chant
Gregorianischer Choral
Gregorian Chant in the Tradition of Monastic Life. Full length article in German.
Hymns, Dominican Central
RealAudio and MIDI files of various hymns, from the American Central Province of the Dominican Friars.
In Cena Domini - Chant from the Priestly Fraternit
The FSSP and Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary provide training for priests in the ancient Tridentine liturgy for all of North America, and chant is an integral part of their education. They also host workshops on chant for lay people. Site has many mp3 files.
Internationalen Gesellschaft für Studien des Grego
[links] (some in German, most in English)
l'Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes
The Abbey of Solesmes: a center for the study of Gregorian Chant.
Medieval Music Links
Directory includes Gregorian Chant.
Norma Gentile
Gregorian Chant recordings, with a dose of new age mysticism.
Notitiae Cantus
Newsletter for Gregorian Chant and other Repertoires of Western Chant
Premonstratensian Rite Chant
Brief historical overview of the liturgical music of the Norbertine Order.
Renaissance & Baroque Society of Pittsburgh: E
Chant and Plainsong Links
The Saint Gregory Society
Promotes the Latin Liturgy according to the Tridentine Missal. Articles, links, and sales of recordings.
University of Limerick: Chant and Ritual Song Reso
Link directory provided by the Chant Performance MA program.
Unmercenary Sacred Music
Free congregational liturgical music for Orthodox and Catholic communities, using traditional eccelesiastical chant (and mostly adapted from chant.)
Viri Galilaei Association
This choir at the Cathedral of Santa Maria, Florence, aims to rediscover the tradition of Gregorian Chant. Details of their CDs and performances.
Voci Del Tesoro Chant Choir
Touring choir of professional musicians dedicated to the prayerful presentation of the Catholic Church's finest music through sacred concerts and liturgies.
Worship & Liturgy Links: Chant
[links] hosted by the Evangelical Lutheran Church In Canada