english deutsch
High Endurance Cutters
Datasheet: 378' Hamilton-class High Endurance, USCGC Boutwell (WHEC 719), USCGC Dallas (WHEC 716), USCGC Gallatin (WHEC 721), USCGC Jarvis (WHEC 725), USCGC Mellon (WHEC 717), USCGC Munro (WHEC 724), USCGC Rush (WHEC 723), USCGC Sherman (WHEC 720)
Icebreaking Tugs
USCGC Bristol Bay (WTGB 102), USCGC Bristol Bay (WTGB 102), USCGC Mobile Bay (WTGB 103)
Large Buoy Tenders
Datasheet: 180' Planetree-class Seagoing Buoy, Datasheet: 225' Juniper-class Seagoing Buoy T, USCG Firebush (WLB 393), USCGC KUKUI
Large Icebreakers
USCGC Healy (WAGB 20)
Medium Endurance Cutters
Datasheet: 210-Foot Reliance-class Medium Enduranc, Datasheet: 270-Foot Bear-class Medium Endurance Cu, USCGC Alert (WMEC 630), USCGC Alex Haley (WMEC 39), USCGC Bear (WMEC 901), USCGC Campbell (WMEC 909), USCGC Dauntless (WMEC 624), USCGC Diligence (WMEC 616), USCGC Escanaba (WMEC-907), USCGC Harriet Lane (WMEC 903)
Patrol Boats
USCGC Cuttyhunk (WPB 1322), USCGC Galveston Island (WPB 1349), USCGC Key Largo (WPB 1324), USCGC Metompkin (WPB 1325), USCGC Monhegan (WPB 1305), USCGC Nantucket (WPB 1316), USCGC Osprey (WPB 87307), USCGC Sapelo (WPB 1314)
Cutter Index
Nitty gritty details about Coast Guard cutters: listings, histories, accidents and even nicknames. Courtesy of the USCG Historian's Office.
USCG Barque Eagle
America's only active duty square rigger, and the US Coast Guard Academy's training vessel for all future officers. Site includes an extensive photo gallery, sailing schedule, and other useful information about this historic vessel.
USCG Cutter Data Sheets
All the stats on the Coast Guard fleet.
U.S. Coast Guard's tall ship used for cadet training. Site provides ship information and history.