Stonehenge, Addington Long Barrows Home Page, Alastair's Derbyshire Stone Circle Pages, Ancient Stone Circle Discovered, Standing Stones in Sussex, Stone Walks around Ilkley Moor, Yorkshire, The Rollright Stones, The Rollright Stones
Ancient Lothian, Ancient Scotland, Ancient Stones, Maeshowe and Neolithic Orkney, Megalithic sites of Perthshire, Neolithic, Bronze Age and Pictish Sites of North E, Orkney's Standing Stones, Scotland and Prehistory, Stone Circles in Angus and Perthshire, Stones of Scotland
Ancient Wales Pictures, Explore Gower's History, Neolithic and Bronze Age Monuments in Wales
Ancient Stones
A photographic guide to some of the stone circles of Britain.
Devoted to Ancient Britain. The stone circles of Avebury and Stonehenge may be the most famous examples, but there is so much hidden within the British Landscape. Whether cradled by mountains such as Castlerigg, or hidden on Cornish moors, like the Nine Maidens of Boskednan, there is so much to discover. Chalk figures, ancient springs, earth henges, barrows, standing stones, myths.
Heritage Action
A campaign site for the protection of ancient historical sites in Britain and Ireland.
Richard Mudhar describes the various types of megaliths and provides a searchable database of British sites. Also a detailed, referenced, illustrated article on Stonehenge with animated reconstruction.
Megalithic Walks in the UK
This site includes descriptions of routes to Neolithic sites in the UK with photos of stone circles, standing stones and burial chambers.
Interactive Virtual Reality tours of the interiors of long barrows, passage graves and fogous. Over 3500 megalithic images, panoramic and infrared photography, site information, and accurate GPS map references.
Paul's Stone Circle Database
Lots of useful information on a hundred stone circles across the UK. Details on how to get to them, quality of the site, excavation findings and astronomical data are all included.
Selected Stone Circles
A selection of circles and dolmens in Cumbria, Wales and Derbyshire rated by amateur enthusiasts Ian and Fiona for visitor interest, with expandable thumbnail photographs.
Stanton Drew Stone Circles
Archaeological and geophysical survey and comparison with other henges with timber circles.
The Megalith Map
An index of all known stone circles and rows in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, via clickable maps, created by Andy Burnham and Alastair McIvor in association with Aubrey Burl.