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10th Masonic District, 14th Masonic District, 15th Masonic District, 17th Masonic District, 19th Masonic District, 1st Masonic District, 20th Masonic District, 21st Masonic District, 23rd Masonic District, 6th Masonic District
Acacia Masonic Lodge No. 121 - Durham
Meets on the Tuesday on or before the full of the moon, 7:30 PM. Calendar, trestleboard, officers, photos and more.
Alna-Anchor Masonic Lodge No. 43 - Damariscotta
Meets on the 1st Tuesday, 7:30 PM. Announcements, calendar, officers, photos, links and more.
Ancient Brothers Masonic Lodge No. 178 - Auburn
Meets on the 2nd Monday. Calendar, trestleboard, officers, photos and more.
Ancient York Masonic Lodge No. 155 - Lisbon Falls
Meets on the 2nd Monday, 7:30 PM. Calendar, trestleboard, officers, events and links.
Arion Masonic Lodge No. 162 -- Godwins Mills
Meets third Thursdays.
Aroostook Masonic Lodge No. 197 - Mars Hill
Meets on the 2nd Monday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Photos, events, contact and links.
Ashlar Masonic Lodge No. 105 - Auburn
Photo, events and links.
Bethel Masonic Lodge No. 97 - Bethel
Meets on the 2nd Thursday, 7:30 PM.
Blazing Star Masonic Lodge No. 30 - Rumford
Meets on the 1st Wednesday, 7:30 PM. Events and links.
Casco Masonic Lodge No. 36 - Yarmouth
Events and links.
Crescent Masonic Lodge No. 78 - Pembroke
Officers, photos, calendar, events and links.
Cumberland Masonic Lodge No. 12 - New Gloucester
Meets on the 3rd Saturday, 7:30 PM; supper at 6:30 PM. Photo, events and links.
Deering Masonic Lodge No. 183 - Portland
Meets on the 2nd Monday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Calendar, trestleboard, officers, photos and more.
Dresden Masonic Lodge No. 103 - Dresden Mills
Meets on the 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Photos, events, officers, trestleboard and more.
Evening Star Masonic Lodge No. 147 - Buckfield
Meets on the 2nd Monday, 7:30 PM. Events and links.
Fort Kent Masonic Lodge No. 209 -- Fort Kent
Meets first Wednesdays. Masonic and community links.
Freeport Masonic Lodge No. 23 - Freeport
Meets on the 1st Monday, 7:30; 2nd Monday in May and September. (Dark: July and August.) Photos, events, links and more.
Gov. William King Masonic Lodge - Scarborough
Meets on the 2nd Thursday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Announcements, photo, links and more.
Grand Masonic Lodge of Maine -- Portland
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. Lodge locator, general Masonic information and links.
Granite Masonic Lodge No. 182 - West Paris
Meets on the 1st Monday, 7:30 PM.
Harmony Masonic Lodge No. 38 - Gorham
Meets on the 1st Wednesday, 7:30 PM. Officers, projects, calendar and contact information.
Jefferson Masonic Lodge No. 100 - Bryant Pond
Meets on the 3rd Monday, 7:30 PM.
King Hiram Masonic Lodge No. 57 - Dixfield
Meets on the 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 PM.
Limestone Masonic Lodge No. 214 - Limestone
Meets on the 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 PM. Photos, links and contacts.
Messalonskee Masonic Lodge No. 113 -- Oakland
Meets third Tuesdays, 7:30 pm. Newsletter, officers.
Monument Masonic Lodge No. 96 - Houlton
Meets second Wednesdays, 7:30 pm. Officers, schedule, general Masonic information.
Mystic Masonic Lodge No 65 - Hampden
Meets on the 3rd Tuesdays, 7:30 PM. Officers, contact information.
Neguemkeag Vassalboro Masonic Lodge No. 54 -- Vass
Meets second Tuesdays, 7:30 pm. Newsletter, officer listing, clip art.
Nezinscot Masonic Lodge No. 101 - Turner
Photo and links.
Orchard Masonic Lodge No. 215 - Old Orchard Beach
Meets on the 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 PM. Trestleboard, bylaws, history, links, photos and more.
Oriental Star Masonic Lodge No. 21 - Livermore Fal
Meets on the 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 PM.
Polar Star Masonic Lodge No. 114 - Bath
Meets on the 1st Wednesday after the 1st Monday, 7:30 PM.
Pownal Masonic Lodge No. 119 - Stockton Springs
Meets on the 1st Wednesday, 7:30 PM.
Preble Masonic Lodge No. 143 - Sanford
Photographs, general information.
Presumpscot Masonic Lodge No. 127 - Windham
Meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays, 7:30 PM. (Dark: January and February.) Announcements, calendar, members page and links.
Rabboni Masonic Lodge No. 150 - Auburn
Meets on the 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 PM. Photo, events, contact and links.
Rising Virtue Masonic Lodge No. 10 - Bangor
Meets on the last Tuesday.
Siloam Masonic Lodge No. 92 - Fairfield
Meets on the 1st Thursday, 7:30 PM. Officers, map, history and links.
Solar Masonic Lodge No. 14 - Bath
Meets on the 1st Monday, 7:30 PM.
Star in the East Masonic Lodge No. 60 - Old Town
Meets on the last Monday of the month. (Dark: July and August.) Lodge information, degree work, calendar and links.
Tranquil Masonic Lodge No. 29 - Auburn
Meets on the 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 PM. Photos, events, contact and links.
Triangle Masonic Lodge No. 1 - Portland
Meets on the 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 PM. Calendar, officers, directions and more.
Trinity Masonic Lodge No. 130 - Presque Isle
Meets on the 1st Tuesday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Directions, officers, trestleboard and more.
Tyrian Masonic Lodge No. 73 - Mechanic Falls
Meets on Thursday following the full moon. Photos, events, contact and links.
United Masonic Lodge No. 8 - Brunswick
Meets on the 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 PM. Message, photos, birthdays, events and links.
Village Masonic Lodge No. 26 - Bowdoinham
Meets on the 1st Wednesday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Calendar, officers, photos, map and more.
Washburn Masonic Lodge No. 193 - Washburn
Meets on the 2nd Thursday. Photos and links.
Webster Masonic Lodge No. 164 - Wales
Meets on the 3rd Thursday, 7:30 PM. Photo, events and links.
Whitney Masonic Lodge No. 167 - Canton
Meets on the 1st Thursday, 7:30 PM.
York Masonic Lodge No. 22 - Kennebunk
Meets on the 1st Monday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Trestleboard, calendar, officers, photos, links and more.