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Reviews and Previews
Epinions.com, GameFAQs, GameSpot, IGN
Harvest Moon 64
Screen shots, tools, items, power berries, recipes, and message board.
Harvest Moon 64 Country
Includes secrets, tips, power berry locations, recipe locations, photo locations, and character descriptions.
Harvest Moon 64 Forever
Tips, tricks, strategies, multimedia, pictures, and information.
Harvest Moon 64 Square
Secrets, recipes, girls, photo album pictures, power nut locations, animals, and crops.
Harvest Moon 64 Universe
Contains information on all the places in the Flower Bud Village, screen shots, pictures, information on the girls, and power berry locations.
Harvest Moon 6D4
Animals, screen shots, secrets, images, girls, recipes, and crops.
Harvest Road
Festivals, food, picture albums, girls, power berries, and recipes.
Information on girls, items, tips, animals, power nuts, and recipes.
Little Universe: Time for Play
Includes game information, recipes, animals and secrets.
Moon Ranch
Game information and cheats.
The Village
Characters, festivals, and screen shots.