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Carpenter Gothic
About.com: Carpenter Gothic, Old House Web: Carpenter Gothic, 1840-1870, Ontario Architecture: Carpenter's Gothic
Going Googie Gone, Googie Architecture On-Line, Googie Art, Googie Central, Orange County Architecture
Prairie Style Architecture, Prairie Styles, The Airplane House, The American Foursquare
American Architecture
Sandra Pollock provides a clear outline of the development of styles from Georgian to American Foursquare, illustrated with examples.
Architectural Styles Index
Created by Ingolf Vogeler of the University of Wisconsin as a guide to styles in the American Midwest. He gives the distinctive features of each type, illustrated by an example. Bibliography.
Architectural Styles of America
Thomas Paradis of Northern Arizona University supplies sample images and descriptions of the dominant architectural styles found throughout the United States.
Bardwin Architectural Style Online Guide
A guide to identifying American house styles. Covers Colonial, Georgian, Federal, Greek Revival, Victorian, Arts and Crafts, and Modern. Includes images and bibliography.
Susan's Victorians
A photograph gallery of Victorian homes from around the United States, arranged by style, with commentary.