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Acupuncture and Sound Therapy, Alpha Omega Acupuncture and Herbal Center, Asian Bodywork Therapies, East West Rejuvenation Center, Energy Oasis, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Shen-Wisdom, Southwest Center for Oriental Medicine, The Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, White Pine Clinic of Classical Chinese Therapeutic
A Wellness Within Clinic for Infertility and Gynec, Acu-Care Health Centers, Acu-Star, AcuNeuro.com, Acupuncture Clinic - San Diego, Acupuncture for Health, Acupuncture for Pain, Acupuncture Herbal Center, Acupuncture Santa Monica, Acupuncture Wizard
Acupuncture Denver, Ageless Art Acupuncture Clinic, Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy, ChineseMedicineDoc.com/, David Scrimgeour, Diana Hermann, Douglas Frank, Energy Medicine Woman, Frontier Medical Institute - Acupuncture for Color, Happy Valley Healing
A Healing Place, Hunyuan Acupuncture in Greenwich, Rehabilitation Medicine and Acupuncture Center
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture and the Works, Acupuncture, Inc., Acupuncture-Plus, Asian Health Traditions, Ask Within - Palm Beach Acupuncture, Center For Natural Health - San Marco, China Acupuncture and Herbs Center, Classical Acupuncture Clinic, Coral Gables Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
Acupuncture Atlanta, Advance Tradition Clinic, Atlanta Acupuncture Center, Chung's Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Metro Acupuncture, Physician Acupuncture in Warm Springs, GA
Alohadoc Chinese Herbal Doctor, Awapuhi Health Sanctuary, Laughing Hara
Acupuncture Clinic and Healing Herbs Center, Century Chiropractic and Acupuncture Clinic, ChicagoAcupuncture.com, Eastern Wellness Clinic, Gathering Valley Center, Harmony Healthcare, Health Solutions, QuantumEmed - Yuen Method of Chinese Energetic Med, Vital Directions, Wang Acu-Chiro Clinic
Ashworth Shiatsu Massage Clinic
Acupuncture for Adults and Children, Inner Works Healing Arts and Retreat Center
A Natural Alternative Natural Health Clinic, All Natural Medicine Clinic, Atlantic Medical Health Care, Attune Your Health, C.J. Schwarz, Chinese-MD, Eastern Qigong Healing Center, Edna Brandt, Healthpointe Wellness, Laura Mannis
ABM Health Care Associates, AcuHealth, AcuHealth of Worcester, Acupuncture Associates of the South Shore, Acupuncture Online, Acupuncture Plus, American Acupuncture, Ancient Solutions Acupuncture and Oriental Medicin, Atlantic Acupuncture Center, Boston Acupuncturist
Acupuncture Healthcare Associates of Michigan
Acupuncture Healthcare, Acupuncture Resource for the Twin Cities, Forman Acupuncture and Qigong, One Hundred Waves, Richard Tosseland
New Hampshire
Acupuncture and Asian Medicine Center of Peterboro, Charles Meyers, Exeter Acupuncture, Nashua Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, Netta M. Hart, Southern New Hampshire Acupuncture Clinic
New Jersey
AbsoluteQi: Acupuncture Wellness Center, Acupuncture Health Associates, Center for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, Daniel M. Kwa, MD, Dao-Sheng Acupuncture, Health In Motion - Personalized Acutherapy, Holmdel Acupuncture and Natural Medicine Center, Modern and Ancient Sciences of Healing, North Jersey Center for Acupuncture and Oriental M, Red Bank Acupuncture and Wellness Center
New Mexico
Alston C. Lundgren, MD, PC, Dr. Ray Mazon's Oriental Medicine, Eldorado Acupuncture and Wellness Center, Nickel Acupuncture
New York
AcuHelp.org, AcuMed Solutions, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs, Acupuncture for Athletes, Acupuncture for Family, Arya Nielsen, Auriculotherapy, Bella Agamaom, Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness, Blue Sky Acupuncture
North Carolina
Advanced Healthcare Solutions, Cagle Chiropractic and Acupuncture, ChiMedicineWorks.com, Chinese Acupuncture and Herbology Clinic, Community Acupuncture of Asheville, Compassionate Acupuncture and Healing Arts, East Coast Acupuncture and Massage, Krista Essler, Qi Lady, Southern Acupuncture
Acupuncture Associates, Grace Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Lotus Medicine, Maorong Jiang, New Realm Acupuncture Center, Peter Sheng, M.D.
Ancient Way Acupuncture and Herbs, David Naimon, Different Drummer Acupuncture, Five Element Acupuncture, Health Wise Acupuncture, Hollywood Clinic, Riverwest Acupuncture, Unbroken Flow Acupuncture, Window of the Sky
Acupuncture and Chiropractic Center, Acupuncture for Health, Acupuncture Health Network, Ancient Tradition, Arch Acupuncture and Health Center, Classical Five Element Acupuncture, Inner Strength Health and Wellness Center, Lee's Acupuncture and Herb Center, Mark A. DeBevoise, Medical Acupuncture, Physical Medicine and Rehabil
Rhode Island
Center for Preventive Medicine, Doctor GetWell Acupuncture Site
South Carolina
Acupuncture Works
Holistic Acupuncture and Herbal Center
Acupuncture Today, Acupuncture-DFW, Austinholistic., Bai, Qiong, Bynum, Kathleen M., Chen, Mary, Clement, Bill, DeGroote, Huoni and Stanley, Eubank, Christine, Fortune, Richard
Life Circles, Master Lu's Health Center, Tao Tan Acupuncture Clinic
Acupuncture Advantage Care, Acupuncture Associates of Richmond, Acupuncture Center of Northern Virginia, Almloff Acupuncture, Alternatives For Health, Ann Furniss: Five Element Acupuncture, Aquia Family Chiropractic and Acupuncture Center, Center of Acupuncture and Chinese Integrative Medi, Charlotte Fandey, Five Element Acupuncture, Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic
Acupuncture and Chinese Herb Clinic, Acupuncture Northwest, Acupuncture on Queen Anne, Acupuncture World, Ariss Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, Bellevue Acupuncture Clinic, BIOM, Capitol Hill Neighborhood Acupuncture, Chandel Acupressure, Charlotte Stuart
Washington, DC
David P. Sniezek, Dennis Barrow, Huang's Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Clin, Wellness From Within
West Virginia
Abundance Acupuncture and Herbs, Ace Acupuncture Clinic of Milwaukee, Acupuncture One LLC, Dr. Manoj, Dr. Zhou's Acupuncture and Herb Clinic, Healing Choices, Kindo Integrated Health Center, Natural Health Center, Red Sage Health, Tri-County Center of Acupuncture and Oriental Medi
Acupuncture by Specialty
Locate an acupuncturist who practices in your city and who specializes in a particular pathology.
Arkansas Therapy Center
Specializes in treating macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and other vision related ailments. Micro Acupuncture Centers are located in several U.S. states.
Flow on the Road
A company that caters to providing acupuncture and other Chinese medicine modalities on the road during concert tours, dance theater, and musicals.