Chats and Forums
International Ostomy Association Discussion Forum, Java and IRC Chat Room, Ostomy Community Forum & Chat, Ostomy Forum, Ostomy Message Board, Stomaworld, StuartOnline Chat Room, Yahoo! Clubs ostomatessupport, Yahoo! Clubs Ostomysupport, Yahoo! Clubs peoplewithostomies
Broward Ostomy Association of Florida
A support group for those with colostomy, ileostomy, or urostomy surgery, their friends and families. Monthly meetings and newsletter. An affiliate of United Ostomy Association.
Chicago North Suburban Chapter
Local section of the United Ostomy Association offers mutual aid and moral support through people who have learned to live with an ostomy.
Continent Diversion Network
Information and support provided by a section of the UOA, email and phone contact, useful links. Newsletter and literature order.
Evansville Indiana Ostomy Chapter
Local section providing information, support, newsletter, discussion forum, hints and tips.
Gay and Lesbian Ostomates
A section of the United Ostomy Association offers support before surgery, during hospitalization, and after recovery for gay and lesbian ostomate.
Grand Rapids Ostomy Association
Information and help to rehabilitate people who have had colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy surgery.
ia : The Ileostomy and Internal Pouch Support Gro
Primary aim is to help people who have to undergo surgery which involves the removal of their colon, colectomy, and the creation of either an ileostomy or an ileo-anal pouch.
Mischa's Place
A place for ostomates and those with disabilities to gather and share.
Okanagan Ostomy Association
Volunteer support group for persons with or about to have ostomy surgery.
Oklahoma Chapters of the United Ostomy Association
Volunteer-based health organization offering mutual aid and moral support for people who have had or will have intestinal or urinary diversion surgery. Regional chapters linked.
Ostomy Association of Boston
Information and support groups for intestinal and urinary diversion, provided by the OAB.
Ostomy Association of Harrisburg
Includes membership information, services offered, and contact information.
Ostomy Toronto
Support in rehabilitation, information about products, monthly meetings including question and answer sessions, newsletter and email contact.
Phoenix Ostomy Chapter
Local chapters of UOA for people who have had ostomy surgery nad for their families, providing information, support, advice and answers.
Rapides Parish Ostomy Association
Information, mutual aid and moral support for people with an intestinal or urinary diversion and for their families and friends. Email and newsletter.
Red Lion Group Pouch Page
Articles from newsletter, information, private messages, for people who have or are considering having a pouch operation.
Saskatoon Ostomy Association
Information, support, news provided by the local chapter of the United Ostomy Association Canada. Email list and guestbook.
Shaz's Ostomy Page
She has had an ileostomy for 24 years now since she was 10 years old. An interactive site for new and experienced ostomates. Ask and answer questions on the ostomy message board, read stories from other ostomates, articles about pregnancy with an ostomy, ostomy humour, and contact list.
South Plains Ostomy Association of Lubbock, Texas
Volunteer-based health group offering moral support for people with ostomies, colostomies, ileostomies, or urostomies. Families and friends are welcome to be involved in monthly meetings and activities.
The East of Scotland ia
ia is a mutual support group and is a registered Scottish Charity.
United Ostomy Assoc Inc - Sherman Area Ostomy Asso
Offers membership, meeting and contact information.
United Ostomy Assoc Inc - Tallahassee Area Chapter
Includes news, events, and newsletters.
United Ostomy Association of Canada Inc.
Volunteer-based health organization offering mutual aid and moral support for people who have had or will have intestinal or urinary diversion surgery
United Ostomy Association of Canada Inc., Vancouve
A non-profit volunteer support group for people who have or are about to have ostomy or related surgery.
United Ostomy Association Wilmington Delaware
Dedicated to providing education, information, support, and advocacy for people who have had or will have intestinal or urinary diversions.
Winnipeg Ostomy Association
Includes information about services, news, and newsletters.
Young Ostomates United
Support and friendship between young people with a stoma and resource material for osteomates.