Green Party
Adriane Carr, Brunette Green Party, Cindy-Lee Robinson - Cowichan-Ladysmith, Dave Ferguson's Scribblings, Elect Stuart Mackinnon MLA, Vancouver Kingsway, Hans Mulder - Green Party Candidate for Chilliwack, Ian Gregson, Green Party Nominee, Vancouver-Hastin, John Miller, Green Party - Victoria-Beacon Hill, Michael Hejazi - Coquitlam Maillardville - Green P, North Island Constituency
New Democratic Party
Leadership Election, British Columbia New Democratic Party, David Turner for MP, Gareth Richmond's Election Campaign, Vancouver Burrard NDP
B.C. Green Party NDP Coalition Dead
Argues that as Carole James takes charge of the NDP the notion of a Green/NDP coalition has lost steam and members.
BC Conservative Party
The party runs on the provincial level in British Columbia.
BC Democratic Futures Party
Strives for an equal, effective, elected Senate and other democratic reforms. Read its proposed amendments, constitution and principles, and how to become involved.
BC Marijuana Party
Promotes marijuana legalization, a viable ballot initiative system, school vouchers and legalization of prostitution.
British Columbia Libertarian Party
Free market, anti-government party. Not represented in the legislature.
British Columbia Social Credit Party
The website of the free enterprise party that governed BC from 1952-1972 and 1975-1991.
Political Parties in British Columbia
A directory of political parties and their postal addresses.
The Free VI Committee
Aims to see Vancouver Island become an independent nation. Describes position and includes member sign-up.