Kempon Hokke
American Kempon Hokke Kai Self-Destruction, Visit to the Kempon Hokke Head Temple Myoman-ji
Nichiren Shoshu
Association of Youthful Priests Dedicated to the R, Criminal Acts of Nichiren Shoshu Priesthood, Domei News, Fujiko's Homepage, Heritage of the Nichiren Shoshu, House Minority Views Report on the Burton Report, Nichiren Shoshu Crane Symbol, Nichiren Shoshu Exchange Forum, Nichiren Shoshu Yushu Goho Domei, Noble Mission of the Soka Gakkai
Soka Gakkai
Beliefnet: Soka Gakkai, Japan Fears Another Religious Sect, Report from the House Committee on Government Refo, Soka Gakkai Information Resource, The Power of the Soka Gakkai, Victims of Soka Gakkai Association, Victorious America, Yahoo! Groups : sokagakkaibuddhism
Mystical Materialism for the Masses
A comparison of Nichiren Shoshu and Christianity from the Christian perspective.
Reform the Nichiren Buddhist Debate
Devoted to bringing civility to the discussion of Nichiren Buddhism.
Yahoo! Groups: Nichiren Shoshu Taiten
Discussion group for former members of the Nichiren Shoshu Soka Gakkai to share experiences.