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Marine Mammals Management: Pacific Walrus, Sea World: Walrus, Toothwalkers: Giants of the Arctic Ice, Trophic Biology of the Walrus
Elephant Seal RadioCam
Provides current image of a rookery in central California and 70,000 images collected since April 1999. Also includes streaming videos in Spanish and English.
Evolution, Classification, and Distribution of Pin
Article covering all the world's species by Marianne Riedman.
Friends of the Elephant Seal
Includes information on friends of the elephant seal and the elephant seal colony at Piedras Blancas.
Marine Mammal Research Consortium - Steller Sea Li
Research on the relation between fisheries and Marine Mammals in the North Pacific Ocean and Eastern Bering Sea. Primary focus is the decline of the Steller sea lion population.
Mom - Association for the Study and Protection of
Information about the Greek charity promoting conservation of Monachus monachus.
Biology and conservation of the Mediterranean, Hawaiian, and Caribbean monk seals.
Northern Elephant Seal Experience
A comprehensive site including information on mating, diet, predators, birthing, diving, and protection.
Online Zoologists: Pinnipeds
Includes an extensive list of species and information.
News, science, and conservation of harp seals and other ice loving seals.
Pictures: Seals and Sea Lions
Provides pictures of seals and sea lions that can be set as wallpaper and sent as e-greeting-cards.
Pinniped Factsheets
Biology and ecology of almost all the world's species.
Pinniped Research in Cognition and Sensory Systems
Details of research program at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Seals and Sealions of the Falklands
Site offers maps, photographs and population data of Falklands seals and sealions.
Tony's Pinniped Tribute Site
Includes facts, images, and games.