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WWE SmackDown - Shut Your Mouth
3D's WWE Smackdown 4, Alen's Undisputed Smackdown, Screenshot Central, Shut Your Mouth Central, Tribe's Guide to Shut Your Mouth
WWF SmackDown
Cheats and Hints, All-Reviews: WWF Smackdown, GameCritics: WWF Smackdown
WWF SmackDown - Just Bring It
Reviews and Previews, Cheat Code Central, JBI CAWs and Codes, Just Bring It World, Smackdown 3: Know One's Role, Smackdown Reunion, Tribe's Guide: WWF Smackdown 3, WWF Smackdown JBI Zone
WWF SmackDown 2 - Know Your Role
Reviews and Previews, CAW World, Cheat Code Central: WWF Smackdown 2, CheatingPlanet: Know Your Role, Dal's Smackdown 2, Game Revolution: WWF Smackdown 2, GameFAQs: WWF SmackDown 2, Joe's Smackdown 2, Neoseeker WWF Smackdown 2 Resources, Smackdown 2 CAW Area, Smackdown 2 CAWs
GameTalks - Just Post It
A message board in which to discuss the Smackdown Series.
Smackdown 2000
Biographies, themes, pictures, and wallpapers.