english deutsch
Daughters of Isabella
Circle No. 1371, Daughters of Isabella, Rhode Island Circle
Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual
Courage, Dignity Canada Dignité, Dignity/USA, New Ways Ministry, Quest, The EnCourage Trust
Aide à l'Église en Détresse / Aid to the Chur, Blessed Nuno Society, Catholic Fund for Overseas Development, Catholic Near East Welfare Association, Catholic Relief Services, Croatian Relief Services, International Catholic Migration Commission, Our Lady of His Mercy Apostolate, Society of St Vincent de Paul Northern Ireland, The Christian Foundation for Children and Aging
Knights of Columbus
Assemblies, Columbian Squires, Councils, Insurance, State Councils, Suppliers, About the Knights of Columbus, Catholic Encyclopedia: Knights of Columbus, International Council of Web Masters, Knights of Columbus Directory and Links, Knights of Columbus Website Directory, Knights of Columbus, Supreme Council, Knightsite, Masonic Info: The Knights of Columbus, The Political Graveyard, Vatican Film Library
L'Arche Canada, L'Arche USA, L'Arche UK, Letters of L'Arche
Catholic Medical Mission Board, Catholic Mission, Christian Medical Missions, Inc., Comboni Lay Missionary Program, Holy Spirit Missionary Association, Mission Doctors Association, Ralph and Veronica Mueller, SEDOS, Society for the Propagation of the Faith, United S, Twanny Fenech
Opus Dei
"Ut Sit" The Apostolic Constitution, 1000 Aussies Fly to Rome for Opus Dei Founder Cano, 8 from Opus Dei in Process of Canonization, A New Way for the Church?, Canonization Cause to Open for Opus Dei Bishop, Catholic-Hierarchy: Opus Dei, Cooperators of Opus Dei, Decoding Opus Dei - Newsweek Society, First Things -Books in Review: Opus Dei, Harambee 2002
Association for Catholic Chiropractors, Catholic Health Association of Canada, Catholic Health Association of the United States, Catholic Medical Association, National Association of Catholic Chaplains, The Catenian Association
American Benedictine Academy, American Catholic Philosophical Association, American Maritain Association, Association for the Sociology of Religion, Australian Catholic Movement for Intellectual &, Canadian Jacques Maritain Association, Catholic Library Association, Catholic Psychology International Resource Network, Centre for Political Thought, Eckhart Society
Serra International
Serra Canada, Serra International, Serra International Great Britain, Serra International in Asia, USA Council of Serra International
Amsterdams RK Studentenpastoraat, Bath University Cathsoc, Birmingham Newman Catholic Society, Blessed John Newman Center at ASU, Cardiff University Catholic Society, Carnegie Mellon University Newman Club, Catholic Campus Ministry, Catholic Campus Ministry at Virginia Tech, Catholic Campus Ministry at University of Richmond, Catholic Chaplaincy Fellowship, University of Shef
Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Mercy Volunteer Corps, National Evangelization Teams, USA, Providence Volunteer Ministry, Reach Youth Ministry, Redemptorist Volunteer Ministries
Support group in the UK for priests and religious who have left the official ministry or religious life. Description, aims, mailing list. Uses frames.
Aid to the Church in Russia
A non-profit organization established in the United States to provide material support for the Catholic Church in Russia.
American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Fam
Seeks to restore the principles of tradition, family, and private property in American society through publications, activism, and action within the Catholic Church. Uses frames.
Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Chu
A source for documents and links on current issues and reform/renewal movements within the Church.
Association of Hebrew Catholics
Working to preserve the identity and heritage of Jews who have entered the Catholic Church. Proposes the establishment of an Israelite Community (not a new rite) within the Church.
Brothers and Sisters of Penance
Private Catholic association of the faithful. Lay men and women living, in their own homes, modern statutes to the Primitive Rule for penitents.
Call To Action USA
This organization has close to twenty thousand members throughout the United States. This site contains links, news and resources for Catholic renewal. (Controversial).
Catholic Charities USA
The largest private network of social service organizations in the United States works to support families, reduce poverty, and build communities.
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Fights anti-Catholicism and is the U.S.'s largest Catholic civil rights organization. Web site contains articles on conflicts between government and the Catholic Church and/or individual Catholics.
Catholic Marketing Network
Association of retailers and suppliers of Catholic literature, music, gifts, and other products and services consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Catholic Network for Women's Equality
A Canadian feminist-focused support and advocacy group for women and men in the Roman Catholic tradition. Goals, activities, selected articles from newsletter, contact information.
Central Association of the Miraculous Medal
Fosters devotion to Mary the Mother of God to support apostolic works on behalf of the poor.
Corpus Canada
An association for renewed Catholic priesthood. Laicized Catholic priests, their spouses, and friends. Promotes Catholic Church reform.
International Order of Alhambra
A fraternal order of Catholic men dedicated to assisting persons developmentally disabled by mental retardation.
Knights of St Columba
Catholic men's organisation founded in 1919 and based in the UK. Aims to assist its members, the community and the Catholic Church in its Social Teaching. Site is Java-dependent.
Mary's Pence
Catholic organization that provides an opportunity for men and women to direct a church (defined as People of God) donation to women's ministries.
Militia Immaculatae
Official web site of the International Center. Association founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe. Members dedicate themselves to evangelization and service. Trilingual site: Italian, English, and Spanish.
National Black Catholic Congress
Umbrella organization representing African American Catholics. Mission statement, structure, history, FAQ, online monthly newsletter, master calendar.
National Board for Catholic Women
Umbrella organisation serves as a consultative body to the Bishops Conference of England and Wales. Overview of their work in the UK, publications, list of member organisations.
National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry
An organization of Catholic diocesan youth ministry offices in the United States.
Opus Sanctorum Angelorum
Promotes "a true imitation of the holy angels, and a conscious collaboration with them." Worship, contemplation, active apostolate. Prays for priests and bishops.
Saint Michael's Catholic Cyberspace Monastery
Experts' Forum, prayers, library, outreach, email lists, links.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
Focuses on enriching the spiritual life of priests, religious and laity through newsletters, books, tapes, and prayer networks.
The Lepanto League
Homesite of a group of traditional Catholics trying to preserve the faith. Includes link to monthly newsletter.
The Saint Joseph Foundation
Assists Catholics in knowing and vindicating their rights in the Church.