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Promise Keepers
Northeast Ohio Task Force for Promise Keepers, PKMS Unofficial Home Page, Promise Keepers, Promise Keepers Canada, Promise Keepers New Zealand
Brothers In Christ Mens Fellowship
An international site for Christian men. Weekly devotion and prayer request list, prayer teams for urgent requests and a Christian Mens Penpal club.
Calling All Men
Men's ministry to help men become better husbands, fathers, and men of God by connecting in small groups.
CBMC Atlanta, Georgia
Christian business and professional ministry for men centered in Atlanta; also provides programs for wives and friends of members. General information, calendar, tools.
CBMC Detroit
Businessmen of southeast Michigan working to attract, equip, and encourage others to become spiritual reproducers.
CBMC International
Site for the Christian Business Men's Committee, a worldwide network of business and professional people.
Christian Business and Professional Ministry
Christian businessmen who teach other professionals Biblical ethics and other topics; site includes articles, resources and life stories.
Dad the Family Shepherd
Equipping men to live out their Biblical fathering responsibilities through motivational conferences, videotape, seminars, and books.
Directed at Christian men, with daily devotionals, monthly newsletter; a service of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists-Men's Ministries.
Gathering of Men
Encouraging and equipping men to be Godly men at home, work, in the community and at church; North Palm Beach, Florida location.
Heartlight: Just for Men
Articles just for men, from Heartlight magazine.
Instep Men
Interdenominational group in UK seeking to proclaim Christ in daily living.
Joseph Resource Group
Serving the church by helping churches call and equip men for today and tomorrow.
Man in the Mirror
Men's events and retreats, tools for men's ministry. From a ministry that grew out of 'The Man in the Mirror' by Patrick Morley.
Manhood in the Bible
What a real man is based on biblical verses and dismissing sexism.
Men in Christ
Men seeking their salvation and continued growth in Christ Jesus. Includes some prayers, poems and links.
Men of Integrity Naperville
Interdenominational men's ministry based in Naperville, Illinois; offers general information, articles, and links to resources for Christian men.
Men's Fraternity
Curriculum helping men to explore authentic manhood and the critical issues they face in our ever-changing culture.
New Man Magazine Online
At this Christian men's magazine web site you can find information information on money, being a dad, family, marriage and sexuality, chat rooms and daily devotionals.
Devoted to bring about a return to patriarchy, leadership by strong, godly men in every sphere of life.
Real Men of Integrity
A Christ-centered resource focusing on the transformation of men, their marriages and their communities; Lincoln, Nebraska; site features online newsletter.
The Band of Brothers
A Christian society for men determined to unleash a man's heart. Information, community, scripture, tools, feedback.
The Christian Men's Network
Provides Christian books, video and audio tapes, teaching curriculum and training materials to help men learn how to be effective husbands and fathers.
The Manhoodline
A column building better men biblical from the inside out. From Mike Ramey, a writer, speaker, and minister.
TheCouncil on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
An organization helping the church to deal Biblically with gender issues; includes articles and book reviews.
TQuest for Men
Accountability groups for men providing a personal journey of transformation and faith.
Young Man's Heart
Group of young men dedicated to helping teens, college students and young adults on the quest towards authentic manhood. Lists, polls, features.