1601 Pennsylvania Ave., Abolition 2000, AU Coalition for a Nuclear-Free World, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Scottish, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament UK, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament West Midlands, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Yorkshire, Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Coalition for Peace Action, Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers
Abolish Nuclear Weapons Petition
Petition to all nuclear powers.
Jim Peters' Protest Visit to the Nevada test
Photos and audio clips.
Maine Judge Sentences Depleted Uranium Activists T
Two peace activists were sent back to federal prison Friday for vandalizing a pair of military aircraft in Maryland while on probation for a similar incident aboard a Navy destroyer at Bath Iron Works. Common Dreams.
Nevada Test Site
Across from the main entrance to the Nevada Test Site, 65 miles Northwest of Las Vegas. Activism to prevent the transportation of radioactive shipments through local areas and regional, state and tribal communities.
No Star Wars and No Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD
Sign a petition to President Clinton and Congress.
Nuclear Threat Reduction Campaign
Educates and mobilizes to advance public policy that reduces the threat posed by nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. News, issues and campaign information.
Reaching Critical Will
Activities include centralizing and disseminating data on intergovernmental meetings discussing nuclear weapons and their elimination, and ti increase the quality and quantity of NGO preparation and participation.
Senator Douglas Roche OC of Canada
Official homepage of Canadian Senator Douglas Roche, former Canadian Ambassador to the UN for Disarmament. Contains information on nuclear disarmament and publications on the nuclear weapons abolition movement.
Stop Star Wars
Greenpeace opposes US plans for a national missile defense system - Star Wars. Provides information and actions.