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Armenian Forgeries and Falsifications, Armenian Issue, Institute for Armenian Research, The Armenian Reality, The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, Turkish Armenians
Armenian Forum
Features analyses about the issue as well as books, including the testimony and diaries of American missionaries who lived in the interior of the Ottoman Empire in 1915-17, and the British Parliamentary Blue Book.
Armenian Genocide 1880-1915
Includes a forum.
Armenian Genocide 1915
A poster campaign and a Flash movie that portrays the events of 1915 through photographs and quotations. Offers articles from the world press, as well as links to similar projects online.
Armenian Genocide 1915-2002
Art Poster Campaign targeting to raise the awareness and to commemorate the Armenian Genocide.
Armenian Genocide Institute-Museum
Collects and houses historical and documentary materials from state archives of different countries of the world. Offers a brief account of the events, quotations, chronology, bibliography and a list of publications.
Armenian Genocide: the Forgotten History
Includes some quotes, fact sheets and denial attempts.
Armenian National Institute: the 1915 Armenian Gen
Features photos, documents, maps, chronology, resolutions, bibliographies and educational resources.
Campaign for Recognition of the Armenian Genocide
CRAG is a single issue pressure group seeking to make the British government formally acknowledge the events of 1915. Includes 1915 press reports from British newspapers, press releases, resolutions and declarations by national states and parliaments, news, articles, and analyses.
Cilicia.com: The Armenian Genocide
Information and resources. Includes pictures, quotes, articles, documents, eyewitness accounts, books, Sevres and Lausanne treaties, declarations of recognition, and links.
Frequent Questions on the Armenian Genocide
Cursory answers to a series of skeptical questions.
HyeEtch: Armenian Genocide
Compilation of articles and book excerpts, including an academic overview and eyewitness accounts.
Moreorless killer files: The Three Pashas
A short biography and background notes on the main Union and Progress Party leaders and their role in the Armenian genocide.
Designed for school teachers, providing resources.
The Armenian Genocide
Includes articles, e-books, and photographs.
The Armenian Genocide
Includes the chronology, excerpts of an ABC news program, pictures taken by the German army officer Armin Wegner, and testimonies of survivors.
The Armenian Genocide in the Memoirs and Turkish-L
A book by Verjine Svazlian. Includes the main text, publications of the author and photographs.
Zoryan Institute: Genocide
Includes scholarly essays by Vahakn Dadrian, bibliography for 1894-96 massacres and for denial attempts and some links.