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Baha'is of Cupertino, Bethel Lutheran Church, Good Samaritan United Methodist Church, New Life Church of the Nazarene, St. Jude the Apostle Episcopal Church, St. Stephen Antiochian Orthodox Church, The Church In Cupertino, The Home of Christ Church in Cupertino, The Lutheran Church of Our Savior, Union Church of Cupertino
Asian American Parent Association
Addresses concerns facing K-12 education in Cupertino, Saratoga, San José, and Sunnyvale.
Cupertino DeAnza Lions Club
Service organization provides contacts, meeting schedule and list of projects.
Cupertino Iranian Community Site
Dedicated to introducing Iranian culture to the community and passing down cultural treasures.
Cupertino Kiwanis Club
An introduction to the club, its newsletter, projects and upcoming events.
Knights of Columbus Council 4981
Fraternal organization of Catholic men provides meeting schedules, contacts, calendar and photographs of past events.