english deutsch
Anthropology, Applied Language Studies and Linguistics, Art History, Asian Studies, Classics and Ancient History, Development Studies, Education, English, European Languages and Literatures, Film, Television and Media Studies
Business and Economics
Department of Accounting and Finance, Department of Commercial Law, Knowledge Intensive Organisations Group
Chemical and Materials Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering Science, Mechanical Engineering, Software Engineering
Biological Sciences, Chemistry Department, Computer Science Department, Environmental and Marine Science, Food Science, Forensic Science, Geography Department, Geology Department, Mathematics Department, Optometry and Vision Science
Faculty of Architecture Property Planning and Fine
Architecture, Property, Planning and Fine Arts in Auckland University
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Arts has departments: history, language, music, sociology, philosophy to woman's study
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
Information about the Faculty, biomedical sciences, clinical sciences, public health and integrated care, and support services.
Faculty of Science
has departments: schools, biological, chemistry, computer science, environmental & marine, food science, forensic science, geography, geology, mathematics, optometry & vision, pharmacology, physics, physiology, psychology, sport & exercise science, statistics.
Features details on an education in time based art from Elam School of Fine Arts. Combines new media, sound, performance, video and the internet.
School of Business
School of Business has department: Accounting & Finance, Commercial Law, Economics, International Business, Management & Employment Relations, Management Science & Information Systems, Marketing
School of Engineering
Engineering School has departments: Chemical and Materials, Civil and Resource, Electrical and Electronic, Engineering Science, Geothermal Institute, Mechanical
Theology Faculty
Auckland Consortium for Theological Education