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Letter to His Son Philip
Columbia Encyclopedia: Louis IX, king of France
A short biographical article on St. Louis, with links to related topics.
James Kiefer's Christian Biographies: Louis I
With prayer in traditional and contemporary language.
Memoirs of Saint Louis
Biography of St. Louis by a contemporary, Jean de Joinville.
Patron Saints Index: Louis IX
Illustrated profile of St. Louis, also known as Louis Capet.
Saint Louis, Confessor, King of France
From the book "Lives of Saints," published by John J. Crawley.
Saint Louis, king of France
Miniatures from two fourteenth-century French manuscripts depict events in the life of Louis IX.
Saint Louis, King of France, 1214 - 1270
Illustrated biography of St. Louis, by Eloise Wilding.
St. Louis IX
Biographical article on St. Louis, King of France, d. 1270. In the Catholic Encyclopedia.
The Ecole Glossary: Louis IX
Short biography of St. Louis, by Melissa Smeltzer.
The Hours of Saint Louis
A book of hours made for his great-granddaughter included prayers in honor of the sainted king. Illumination depicting St. Louis, and explanation.