Aljamar, Arenas, AshGrove, Birchhurst Kennels, Bismarckquelle, Briarlea, Cardale, CC's, Dandiepraid, Delayre Kennels
Brimley, Casey's Celtic Charm, Duke, In Loving Memory of Gunter Grass, Jake, Mackie, Pepper, We & Fox Terrier Rex
Animation, Backgrounds and Wire Fox Terrier
Wire Fox Terriers in Denmark.
Wire Fox Terrier
The official description of the breed as provided by the AKC.
Wire Fox Terrier
The official UKC breed standard.
Wire Fox Terrier
A web community of enthusiasts. E-mail discussion, message boards and chat rooms.
Wire Hair Fox Terrier
Everything you always wanted to know, but didn't know who to ask.