Advanced Technology Center
Founded in 1993 to assist the regional business community in their efforts to maintain and expand the economic base in Massachusetts.
Campus Center
The home of over two dozen campus organizations and services which include the University Campus store, Main Cafeteria, North Alcove Dining, Sunset Room Pub and Restaurant, University Box Office, Game Rooms, ATM, UMass Pass debit card system, the Copy Center, Convenience Corner, Torch Student Newspaper, Chaplains Office, Lost & Found, and Student Activities Administrative Offices.
Charlton College of Business
Provides a strong basic business education that challenges students and meets the needs of the Southeastern Massachusetts business community and beyond.
Child Care Center
A licensed early education and care facility, is available for the children of students, faculty, and staff.
College of Arts and Sciences
The programs offer students the theoretical and practical foundations for careers in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences, and develop the understanding that enables an informed and independent life.
College of Engineering
Ranked among the top 50 undergraduate engineering programs in the country by U.S., the College provides a dedicated faculty, outstanding facilities, close working relationships with industry, and nationally accredited engineering programs.
College of Nursing
Strives to provide visionary leadership to advance the practice of nursing in a dynamic environment. The college is committed to generate collaborative and consultative relationships with professional colleagues and consumers to enhance the health of the region and beyond.
College of Visual and Performing Arts
A comprehensive arts college where students, faculty, professionals, and audiences from diverse cultural communities come together to develop a high degree of professional competence.
Continuing Education
List of courses offered, from Accounting through Women's Studies to serve the needs of those students who choose to pursue a degree on a part-time basis during evening hours or in the summer.
A means of delivering on the Web university courses for college credit and/or personal or professional development. UMass Dartmouth was an early pioneer in distance learning and online courses on the Web - having been in operation since Fall of 1995.
Department of Public Safety
Provides twenty-four hour a day protection of the entire campus and individuals on the campus. Our police officers are vested with full law enforcement powers, (identical to the local police in the community). The Officers are trained at the Massachusetts Criminal Justice Training Academy and also receive additional in-service and specialized training in first-aid, C.P.R., defense tactics, legal updates, evidence gathering, traffic control, and investigations
Health Services
A physician is available each class day from 10:00 am - noon, and a nurse practitioners from 12:30 - 3:30 pm. Two registered nurses, a consulting dermatologist and a consulting nutritionist are also on staff.
Multicultural Support and Assessment
Office works to enhance the enrollment, persistence, and graduation of student of color, through the development of programs as support services.
Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center
Engaged in aquaculture research, development, demonstration, and extension education to enhance viable and profitable U.S. aquaculture which will benefit consumers, producers, service industries, and the American economy.
Office of Student Activities
The center of student activities and co-curricular programs. The office is responsible for providing assistance and resources in all aspects of program planning to student organizations and departments.
Religious Resource Center
Campus Ministry coordinates the religious activities and serves the spiritual needs of the university community. Clergy and ministers from major religious denominations provide opportunities for worship, spiritual direction and counseling, and programs which enable students, faculty and staff to integrate spiritual life with vocational and career choices.
The Alumni Connection
UMD Alumni Association, news and events, and member information.
The Center for Marine Science and Technology
CMAST is located on 2.6 acres situated between Rodney French Boulevard and the Battery Milliken on Clark's Cove, New Bedford. The two-story structure is approximately 32,000 square feet and contains fifteen laboratories. It incorporates a 300 gallon/minute flow-through sea water system which provides ambient Buzzards Bay sea water to the labs.
The Lloyd Center for Environmental Studies
A non-profit organization that provides education programs and conducts research to develop a scientific and public understanding of the coastal, estuarine, and watershed environments in southeastern New England.
UMass Dartmouth Library
As the largest information center in southeastern MA the Library will support the academic programs, and cooperate with extracurricular activities and community organizations to the extent material and human resources allow, to carry out the UMass mission to support access, excellence, innovation, economic development, public service and quality of life.
UMass Dartmouth Online Directory
Faculty, staff, department and organization phone numbers and links, and postal addresses.
UMD Newspaper
UMass Dartmouth is published by the News and Public Information Office, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. It is distributed to alumni and friends, faculty and staff. New items, letters to the editor, and suggestions are most welcome.
UMD: Student Clubs & Organizations
A comprehensive directory of student fraternities, sororities, clubs, associations, student government, non-varsity sports and organizations.
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
A multi-college university, part of a state wide university system, located in Dartmouth, MA which offers a widely diverse variety of undergraduate and graduate degrees and programs.