english deutsch
School Districts
Buckeye Valley Local School District, Delaware City Schools, Delaware-Union Educational Service Center
Buckeye Valley High School
Provides staff directory, student spotlight, athletic, and academic information.
Buckeye Valley Middle School
Provides school overview, student spotlight, photo gallery, academic, and athletic information.
Carlisle Elementary School
Includes school overview and staff directory.
Conger Elementary School
Provides school overview and faculty information.
Delaware Area Career Center
Prepares youth and adults to enter, compete, and advance in an ever-changing workforce that demands a commitment to lifelong learning. List of training programs, updates on alumni, and news.
Delaware Christian School
Provides a discipleship ministry to Christian families and Bible believing churches of the community through academic education and extracurricular programs.
Delaware Joint Vocational School
Offers high school and adult education programs.
Hayes High School
Provides calendar of events, staff directory, and athletic information.
Methodist Theological School in Ohio
A center of theological inquiry. This school is also known as Methesco.
Shultz Elementary School
Provides mission statement and staff directory.
Smith Elementary School
Provides faculty and school overview.
The Talisman
Student newspaper for Hayes High School.
Willis Middle School
Provides school overview and staff directory.
Woodward Elementary School
Provides mission statement and staff directory.