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Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles
Scripting, 101884, 106419, 113418, 117600, 119591, 121170, 26281, 34768, 35284, 35938
Batch Script Collection, Gord's World of Batch Files, Kent Dyer's Home Page, NT Command Reference, NT/Win2K Scripting, Scripting and Batch Programming, The System Guard, The Windows NT Command Shell, The Wizard's Apprentice, Win32 Scripting
Ascii Assembler, Debug Tutorial by Fran Golden, DOS Batch, PC Computer Debug Routines, Sed - The Stream Editor, The Art of Assembly Language Programming, The SED FAQ
Batch File Compiler, Batch Utilities and Tools for DOS, Batch Utilities for DOS, Clay's Utilities for DOS Batch Processes, Cream of the Crop II - BATCH, DOS Stuff for Old-Timers, FileGate Archive, JEB's Software Titles, MS-DOS batch programming and usage related materia, Network Bookcase: Batch File
Batch FAQ
Includes specialized batch routines with debug and ASCII assembler.
Batch File Applications
Tom Lavedas' Batch File Apps, fairly complex and written exclusively without resorting to third party programs.
Batch File Help
Information and help with DOS batch files.
Batch File Tips and Utilities
Tutorial series covers DOS basics, batch technique, and creating batch utilities using debug.
Batch Files for Efficiency
Practical and easy to follow basics
Batch Guide
Labels, conditions, branching, decisions, user input, list and subdirectory processing, qbasic.
Batch Programming Elements
Collection of batch language enhancers in batch language by Dirk van Deun.
Batch Programming Stuff
Includes batch files, batch how-tos, and batch utilities. (Terry Newton)
Batch Scripting Site
Provides a collection of DOS and NT batch files, a batch how-to, and downloads. (Frank-Peter Schultze)
Batfiles: The DOS Batch File Programming Handbook
Tutorial, FAQ, tricks, resources, downloads, MsDos7 commands. Official college reference.
Computer Technical Information
DOS setup, optimization, Batch menus, ansi.sys, Windows 3.1/3.11, 95/98.
Creative Technical Writing
Batch lessons for Windows 95/98/ME, only. Requires IE 5+, Netscape 4.6+ or Gecko based browser, javascript.
DOS 7 Commands
In Windows 95 and 98. Basic syntax and usage.
Features math routines, and date parsing methods. (Laura Fairhead)
Dos Batch File Programming
Shift, replaceable parameters, For, conditions, redirection, logging.
DOS Batch File Tutorial
Basic and advanced batch. Clear concise examples and tips.
DOS Batch Language: A Personal View
Program wrappers, debugging, labels, variables, list processing, recursion, logic, arithmetic, examples.
Free Software for DOS / Batch Utilities
Useful descriptions and links to several key batch utilities.
Frequently Asked Questions about Batch
FAQ with answers tailored to MS-DOS 6 and Windows 9x. Practical examples from basic to advanced topics.
Gord's World of Batch Files
Contains of batch files and help documents.
How To Make DOS Menus
Step by step instruction with graphic illustration.
Intermediate Operating System Concepts
Course Modules from Washtenaw Community College including DOS survival guide and batch files.
ITH305 - Developing Batch Files
Course material from Northern Territory University, Australia
MS-DOS Batch Introduction
Brief general introduction. Prompt, Help, Path, internal and external commands, environment, long file names. Some links.
MSDOS Introduction
Central Institute of Technology's online self-study course. Setup, configuration, batch, command line, low level, drivers, memory.
Notes on MS-DOS 6.22 and Batch Programming on Win9
Command reference and batch file examples by Benny Pedersen.
Scripting Pages
Batch Files for DOS, Windows (all flavours) and OS/2; Rexx; JavaScript; HTML (Rob van der Woude)
TechTutorials Computer Reference Directory: DOS/Ba
Free DOS tutorials and whitepapers.
The 10 Batch File Commands
Basic usage and examples.
The Ancient Art of DOS Batch Files
Introductionary information and also explains basics; environmental variables, I/O redirection, pipes.
Timo Salmi's Assorted Batch Tricks
Practical and educational examples including a few obscure techniques.
Undocumented Features
Those available in Windows 98 command.com
Undocumented MS-DOS features
Collection of undocumented and obscure features in various MS-DOS versions.
Using MS-Dos7 Commands
Syntax and use of the commands available with the Windows 9x version of MS-DOS.
Vernon Frazee Batch File Links
Links to some of the best sites and files.
Vernon Frazee: MS-DOS v6.22 Help
Complete contents from the DOS command HELP converted to HTML.
Windows 95 / DOS 7 Batch Programming
Innovative workarounds and methods to accomplish tasks not generally covered in the manuals.
Yahoo! Groups: Batch World
Mailing list whose members exchange ideas and offer help on issues.