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Software Packages
Carto, Cave Surveying Software, Compass Cave Survey Software, The Survex Project, Toporobot, WinKarst Cave Mapping Software
3D Modeling of Phreatic Karst Caves
An analysis of cave geometry modelling methods by Todd R Kincaid, USA.
BCRA Cave Surveying Group
UK organisation to promote discussion, research, information dissemination, and practical help on cave surveying.
Cave Data Exchange Format Working Group
Aiming to establish a hardware and software independent format for the transfer and archiving of speleological data.
Cave Survey Data in XML
The proposal and ongoing effort to establish XML based standards for the representation of cave survey data.
Cave Surveying Discussion Group
Post a question or browse the archives.
Cave Surveying Notes
A detailed paper on the treatment and minimising of errors in surveying.
CaveScript XML
A cave survey and map data format for storing all information about a cave survey or an entire cave map.
Underwater cave survey techniques, links to cave survey computer programs, and cave survey projects in Florida and the Bahamas.
Worldwide cave survey database, with limited viewing of surveys and links to the survey publishers.
Compass Points
The Journal of the BCRA Cave Surveying Group
KML Karst Markup Language
A suggested XML vocabulary for the speleological community.
Tennessee Cave Survey
Organization of the National Speleological Society devoted to the discovery, exploration, survey and mapping of the state's caves. Details of available maps and data, cave news, photos, meeting information, mapping standards, and other topics.
The Auriga Project
Information on developing an electronic surveying tool to make cave surveying easier and less error-prone.