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Business and Economy
AKP Foundries, Antariksh Concrete Machinery, Aqua Alloys, Aroma Consultancy, Diamond Metal Screens Pvt.Ltd., Geared Hydropower Pvt Ltd, Hyloc Hydrotechnic Pvt. Ltd., Mona Lisa Fine Art Products, Polyhydron Group of Industries, Precision Expansion Bellows Industries
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, National Institute of Hydrology, Visveswaraiah Technological University
Society and Culture
Cathedral of Our Lady of Fatima, Madhurbandhan.com, Vishwa Madhwa Mahaparishat (Uttaradimath)
Travel and Tourism
Mayur World Travels
123India.com Weather, Weather Underground
Gogte College of Commerce
Details of history, facilities, faculty, and courses. Established by the Karnatak Law Society.
Gogte Institute of Technology
Information on this engineering college, departments and courses.