Bonaparte, Napoleon
Memoirs of Napoleon, Chateau Versailles: Napoléon Ier, Early imagery in connection with Napoleon II, From The Imperial Catechism, 1806, Grand Illusions: The Strange Story of Napoleon&apo, MSN Learning & Research: Napoleon I, Napoléon 1st, Napoleon Bonaparte, Napoleon Bonaparte Internet Guide, Napoleon I, Napoleon's Correspondence
Clausewitz, Karl von
Clausewitz's Theory: On War and Its Applicati, Infoplease Encyclopedia, On War, Quotes by Karl von Clausewitz, Summary of Clausewitz, The Clausewitz Homepage, Wikipedia: Karl von Clausewitz
Nelson, Horatio
Admiral Lord Nelson, England Expects, Infoplease Encyclopedia, Letters and Dispatches of Horatio Nelson, National Museums Liverpool - The Death of Nelson, Nelson Gallery, Nelson's Home Page, The Life of Horatio, Lord Nelson, The Nelson Boy, The Nelson Society
Marshal Ney at Eylau
A picture by Richard Caton Woodville (1856-1927) from London's Tate Gallery.
Neither King Nor Marshal
A brief biography of Prince Eugene de Beauharnais, Viceroy of Italy and Napoleon's stepson.
Russian Generals and Naval Commanders of the Napol
A collection of short, illustrated biographies from a company offering translations of Russian source materials.
Who was who on the Peninsula and at Waterloo
Short biographies of British generals, and shorter ones for the French and allies.