english deutsch
Golden Moles
Chlorotalpa sclateri, Chrysochloris stuhlmanni (Stuhlmann's Golden , Eremitalpa granti (Grant's Golden Mole)
British Hedgehog Preservation Society, European Hedgehog Research Group, Family Erinaceidae (Gymnures and Hedgehogs), Hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in Cornwall, Prickly Ball Farm Hedgehog Hospital, The Hedghogz Home Page
Moles and Desmans
Condylura cristata (Star-Nosed Mole), Desmana moschata (Russian Desman), Galemys pyrenaicus (Iberian Desman), Mole biology, Mole Information, Mole Tunnel, Parascalops breweri, Scalopus aquaticus (Eastern Mole), The Moleplace
Blarina brevicauda (Short-Tailed Shrew (Giant Mole, Buena Vista Lake Shrew Profile, Crocidura leucodon, Cryptotis parva (Least Shrew), Garden Safari: Shrews, Neomys fodiens (Eurasian Water Shrew), Suncus murinus, The Shrew (ist's) Site
Solenodon paradoxus
Greater Hedgehog Tenrec (Setifer setosus) in capti, Lesser Hedgehog Tenrec (Echinops telfaeri), Madagascar Tenrecs, National Zoo Small Madagascar Hedgehog-Tenrec, Tenrecidae (tenrecs)
Order Insectivora
Introduction to the Order Insectivora, from Animal Diversity Web.