Greenburgh Public Library, Irvington Public Library, Katonah Village Library, Library - The Village of Bronxville, The Chappaqua Public Library, The John C. Hart Memorial Library, The New Rochelle Public Library, The Ossining Public Library, The White Plains Public Library, Warner Public Library (Tarrytown)
Amadeus Conservatory of Music
Offering music lessons in all instruments and voice, musical theater, dance, and early childhood. Locations in Chappaqua and Katonah.
Belle School of Music
Music school with locations in Scarsdale, White Plains and Yonkers. Site describes the school's philosophy and programs.
New Choral Society of Central Westchester
An all-auditioned, volunteer chorus of singers from Westchester County, New York. Practicing from September through May, the New Choral Society presents three major concert programs during its season and participates in many special cultural events in the Scarsdale, NY area.
The Play Group Theatre
Westchester's theater for children and teens. Find performing arts programs for children eighteen and under - and performances for the whole family. PGT's original plays and musicals for young actors are produced by schools, camps and theaters across the country.
Westchester Arts Council
Online art gallery, calendar of local events, directory of member organizations, grants opportunities, and administrative information.
Westchester Rocks
Listing of rock bands in Westchester County. Includes live venues, photos, reviews, and links.