Church of the Cross, Hamburg, EmK Johanneskirche, Hannover, Peace Church, Munich, United Methodist Church, Berlin.
Trinity Methodist Church, Petaling Jaya, Wesley Methodist Church, Ipoh, Wesley Methodist Church, Kuala Lumpur
United States
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia
Bahamas Conference of The Methodist Church
This is the Home Page of The Bahamas Conference of The Methodist Church.
Bethlehem Church: The United Methodist Church in T
Finland. The languages used in the church are Swedish, English, Finnish, Russian and Vietnamese. Overview, programme, prayer, events and links.
English Speaking UMC of Vienna
News and events, calendar, full text of sermons, pastor's page, and history of the church.
Hyesung Church, Korea
Church history, profiles of ministers, young adults group, links, organization and activities.
Kumla UMC, Sweden
Programs, photos, a couple of English sermons, and links.
The United Methodist Church of Macedonia
Information about the life and the existence of the church and a map showing the location of the churches in Macedonia.
UMC in Pilsen-Lochotin, Czech Republic
Photos, schedule, and links.
UMC of Europe
Includes a search and listing of churches by country. Also has Dutch version.
United Methodist Mission Church of Honduras
Official website. Lists the eleven congregations which make up the mission and includes teams, newsletter, help, history, contact and links.