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Fan Pages
Being John Cusack, Being John Cusack.co.uk, Celebrity of the Week, Chloe's John Cusack Area, Cusack 101, Cusack Cult, Cusack for President, Cusack Point Blank, Grosse Misconduct, In Hot Pursuit of John Cusack
IMDb - John Cusack
Absolutepictures.com: John Cusack
Includes facts and photo gallery.
Digital Hit - John Cusack
Biography and image gallery.
E! Online: John Cusack
Filmography and profile, with movie trailers and links to articles.
John Cusack @ Fansites.com
Links to fan pages about the actor.
John Cusack: The Actor
Has the status on his future films and projects.
MovieThing: John Cusack
Biography, photographs and film reviews.
Rotten Tomatoes: John Cusack
Filmography, links to reviews and news, photos, and forum.
Triviatribute.com - John Cusack
Pictures and profile.
TV-Now: John Cusack
A John Cusack current month TV schedule.