Business and Economy
Real Estate, Restaurants and Bars, Anchor Self Storage, Flowerthyme, Hisa's Flowers and Gifts, Mr. Sleep, Warm Winds
Recreation and Sports
Bonnet Shores Beach Club Condominium Association (, Galilee Beach Club, Scarborough North and South Beach Complex
Galilee, Rhode Island
Illustrated profile of the village of Galilee on Narragansett's Point Judith.
Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rho
Located in Narragansett. Conducts research and offers graduate degrees in oceanography and marine science. Information about visitor facilities, public outreach, and education programs.
Island Hi - Speed Ferry
Catamaran ferry provides service from Galilee to Block Island in approximately 30 minutes. Includes rates, schedule, virtual tour of the boat, and reservations information.
Narragansett Chamber of Commerce
Events and local business information.
Narragansett Lions Club
Service organization describes its charity fundraising activities, lists members and officers, and provides details of special events including the annual Blessing Of The Fleet.
Narragansett Local News:
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
Narragansett Rhode Island Information and Services
Official home page of the Narragansett Chamber Of Commerce, Town Government, and Lions Club. Includes a guide to attractions, dining, places to stay and useful links for both seasonal and year round residents.
Narragansett Town Hall
Official local government site. Includes government and city services information, plus links to other community websites.
Ocean States Directories - Map of Narragansett
Tourist map of Narragansett, Pt. Judith, and Galilee, in South County Rhode Island.