AccuWeather: Sebeka, MN
5-day weather forecast, wind chill or heat index, National Weather Service forecast for the surrounding area. Requires JavaScript and cookies; does not work in Netscape 3 or 4.
Menahga/Sebeka United Methodist Church
Mailing address, phone, worship schedule.
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
ELCA congregation, with Sunday school and vacation Bible school.
Sebeka Area Map
Shows where Sebeka is in relation to Wadena, Park Rapids, Detroit Lakes.
Sebeka City Map
Closeup view of the city of Sebeka. Interactive street map.
Sebeka Local News:
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
Weather Underground: Sebeka, Minnesota, Forecast
Active advisories, if any. Current conditions, forecast, local radar and satellite.
West Central Telephone Association
Offers telephone services including long distance, cellular and paging and custom calling features. Also offers Internet access.