AccuWeather: Le Roy, MN
Current conditions, 15-day weather forecast, wind chill or heat index.
Brownlow's Red Owl
Full line of groceries, fresh bakery and meat counter. Also carries greeting cards, has carpet cleaning machines for rent.
First Presbyterian Church
PCUSA. Worship and Sunday school schedule, history.
First State Bank of LeRoy
Checking, savings, loans, card services, bank by phone. Has branches in LeRoy and Spring Valley.
LeRoy Area Map
Shows where LeRoy is in relation to Austin, Lake Louise State Park, and the Iowa state line.
LeRoy Evangelical Lutheran Church
ELCA congregation. Mission statement, history, worship schedule, and contact details.
LeRoy Lumber
Hardware store and lumber yard. Contact information, in-store specials.
LeRoy Products Corporation
Experienced contract manufacturer of electronic and mechanical assemblies. Their background, location, facilities, services and capabilities.
St. Patrick's
Catholic church. Parish history, Mass time.
The City of LeRoy, Minnesota
Official web site of city government includes an illustrated history, maps, list of annual events. Also directories of local businesses, churches, and organizations.
Weather Underground: Le Roy, Minnesota, Forecast
Active advisories, if any. Current conditions, forecast, local radar and satellite.